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Study Group 1 Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Course in English for Military Operations Bureau for International Language Co-ordination.

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Presentation on theme: "Study Group 1 Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Course in English for Military Operations Bureau for International Language Co-ordination."— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Group 1 Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Course in English for Military Operations Bureau for International Language Co-ordination

2 Background NTG/JSSG 2009/2010 Priorities and Tasks –BILC survey BILC members for interest/feasibility of developing a web- based ADL common core “Military English Curriculum” Bureau for International Language Co-ordination

3 Procedure Followed Study Group considered –Feasibility of the project –Objectives –Potential target audience –Relevant domain of English for military operations Bureau for International Language Co-ordination

4 Feasibility BILC member nations are already offering computer based, web-based, web enhanced English courses for military personnel Courses can be stand alone/self study, blended learning, instructor facilitated Bureau for International Language Co-ordination

5 Overarching Objective ADL course will support MC Action Plan for Enhancing Interoperability, Activity 3 –Web based courses and tools can be made available throughout NATO PfP –Will foster standardization of NATO terminology and procedures –Will enhance interoperability Bureau for International Language Co-ordination

6 Target Audience OR 6 to OF 3/4 Joint operations Pre-deployment, training and education SLP 2 recommended Bureau for International Language Co-ordination

7 Sample Topics Terrain descriptions Equipment descriptions Weather Reports and requests (intel, helquest, etc.) Communication (verbal and written) –Orders and briefings –Radio communications Logistics and transportation Bureau for International Language Co-ordination

8 Recommended Course Design Features Authentic NATO situations and documents NATO acronym and abbreviations Audio and voice recording capabilities Video Interactive exercises Feedback/assessments/progress checks Bureau for International Language Co-ordination

9 Resources Required for ADL Course Development NTG should request ACT and ACO assistance –Instructional designers –Authentic NATO situations and documents –Pertinent NATO acronyms and abbreviations BILC can provide –Subject Matter Experts (SME) for language content and pedagogy Bureau for International Language Co-ordination

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