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Habakkuk 1-2 Habakkuk’s Hang-ups The Scroll of the Twelve January 27, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Habakkuk 1-2 Habakkuk’s Hang-ups The Scroll of the Twelve January 27, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Habakkuk 1-2 Habakkuk’s Hang-ups The Scroll of the Twelve January 27, 2013

2 Have you ever struggled? Struggled to trust God in light of national circumstances? Struggled to trust God in light of personal struggles and circumstances? Struggled to reconcile what the Bible says about God’s character and nature with what He is doing/allowing to happen in the world? Habakkuk is writing for you and I.

3 Meet Habakkuk Little is known of Habakkuk personally He was a pre-exilic prophet from Judah Probably writing between 609-605 BC Habakkuk has a conversation with God Jonah failed to sympathize with God Habakkuk couldn’t understand what God is doing Habakkuk is a man, in the context of Israel, who struggles to reconcile what he sees in the world with what he knows of God God has a conversation with Habakkuk.

4 Signs of the Times “oracle” – lit. a burden Habakkuk opens up right away: “How long, O LORD, will I call for help, And You will not hear?” He then describes the times in which he was living: Violence, iniquity, wickedness, destruction, strife, contention All systems had failed: the law ignored, justice never upheld/perverted Ever been here?

5 God Responds (1:5-11) The God of the Universe responds “Look! Observe! Be astonished! Wonder!” God tells Habakkuk that He is doing something He would NEVER believe, if God weren’t to tell him God responds to Habakkuk’s question He is raising up the Chaldeans (Neo- Babylonians) to discipline Israel fierce, impetuous, greedy, dreaded, set their own standards They are violent, take captives like a man scoops up sand “Their strength is their god” They will be held accountable

6 A Whole New Problem (1:12-17) Did you ever ask a question, even the right question, and not get the answer you had hoped for? He wanted God to intercede in a painless way. This was worse than he had hoped. Habakkuk responds with what he knows of God’s Character Do you know God? Know what He is like? “from everlasting” – eternal Holy – “righteous, completely other”

7 A Whole New Problem (1:12-17) “You cannot look upon or approve evil!” Habakkuk is shocked, outraged! “Why would you use them?!” Habakkuk sees the sin of Israel, and knows it is awful, but the Chaldeans were much worse! How does that work?! Their actions are despicable, they destroy, kill, steal, pervert justice. Worst of all, they worship themselves and their own power How can you bless them by letting them have your way?

8 Habakkuk at the Guard Post Habakkuk 2:1 completes Habakkuk’s second set of questions He likens himself to a watchman, vigilantly awaiting God’s answer to his question “reproved” could be translated “answered” or “response” Note the way in which Habakkuk deals with his confusion He takes it to the Lord.

9 The Lord Answers Again The Lord tells Habakkuk that His answer to the questions is to go out to everyone. The Lord tells Habakkuk, and all of the righteous to wait “Wait” is an answer that we often dislike Things are going to get worse… Habakkuk 2:4 In light of the difficult times ahead God tells Israel that the “the just will live by faith.” Galatians 3:11

10 The Indictment If Habakkuk 2 doesn’t make us uncomfortable about the society in which we live we simply are not paying attention Greed, lust of every kind, never satisfied Habakkuk 2:6-7 Woe to the nation that makes itself “rich” with borrowed money With consumer, corporate and national debt at all time highs, this is a terrifying reality.

11 Violence Violence is mentioned six times in this short 3 chapter book The Chaldeans, like the Assyrians were a culture that glorified violence in every form A culture that is in love with violence will reap only destruction and the judgment of God The worship of strength and power Are we uncomfortable yet?

12 A Beautiful Prophecy Habakkuk 2:14 is a treasure nestled within the wasteland of human sin We look forward to the time when the knowledge of God will fill the whole earth This is looking forward to the Millennial Kingdom Far from the delusions that we will “fix” the world, we wait upon the Lord to do His will and complete His plan

13 Drunkenness and Idolatry Humanity regularly abuses alcohol to achieve its ends of selfishness and perversion In all dispensations, at all times, this behavior is abhorrent to the Lord The Lord’s final indictment upon the Chaldeans is their rampant idolatry An idol is anything that usurps God’s rightful place in our cultures, thoughts and consciousness They are empty.

14 The Point Habakkuk 2:20 is a fitting close to these two chapters While the whole world is going haywire, the Lord is not threatened by any of it Neither are His plans frustrated by human choices In the end all of the earth will stand silent before Him Excuses will not be offered, and all will finally be held accountable for their choices The earth will be silent before Him.

15 Application Trust in The Lord – When life seems confusing, and we cannot imagine what He is doing Trust in The Lord – When everything in the world seems to be careening towards hate and destruction Trust in The Lord – As the only hope for this world, and live by faith in all things 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Our faith from the start to finish is wrapped up in the person and work of Jesus Christ – Trust Him.

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