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Canadian Collision Industry Forum CCIF Planning Meeting Results.

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1 Canadian Collision Industry Forum CCIF Planning Meeting Results

2 Canadian Collision Industry Forum 60 CCIF “Regulars” met under the guidance of an external moderator in the first CCIF Planning Meeting since its inception in 1999. 60 CCIF “Regulars” met under the guidance of an external moderator in the first CCIF Planning Meeting since its inception in 1999. It took place in Surrey, British Columbia It took place in Surrey, British Columbia on April 15 th, 2005 on April 15 th, 2005

3 Canadian Collision Industry Forum Purpose: To review and validate or change:  HOW CCIF operates  WHAT CCIF does

4 Canadian Collision Industry Forum The HOW included: The HOW included:  Meeting locations, frequency, format, success criteria  Structure – management, committees, administration, funding

5 Canadian Collision Industry Forum The WHAT included:-  Mission, role, relationships, mandate source ( Prep for the Future)

6 Canadian Collision Industry Forum RESULTS RESULTS Based on feedback from the Planning Meeting, the Chairman’s Council made decisions on the way ahead for CCIF Based on feedback from the Planning Meeting, the Chairman’s Council made decisions on the way ahead for CCIF

7 Canadian Collision Industry Forum HOW CCIF Operates Meetings will rotate through:- East – Halifax and Moncton Central – Montreal and Greater Toronto West – Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver Other locations possible for June meeting

8 Canadian Collision Industry Forum HOW CCIF Operates  More information on CCIF achievements at meetings  Seating for all participants will be at tables  Consider recording and/or broadcasting CCIF to increase participation  Use web site and email for updates to reduce need for repetition at meetings

9 Canadian Collision Industry Forum How CCIF Operates  Notice will be given in advance of Chairman’s 3 year term expiry  Chairman’s Council validated  Wider consultative group, “Advisory Council”, will comprise Maple Leaf Sponsors  Success to be measured by achievement and issue of “Best Practice” papers

10 Canadian Collision Industry Forum WHAT CCIF Does Addressing Industry Issues:- Is the issue still important? Why is it still important? What needs to be done? How can it be addressed within the framework of CCIF?

11 Canadian Collision Industry Forum WHAT CCIF Does Addressing Industry Issues:-  National industry-managed accreditation: Establish Steering Committee to examine potential for training accreditation Establish Steering Committee to examine potential for training accreditation  Communications / Image Still important. Create and promote positive messages. Identify media champions

12 Canadian Collision Industry Forum What CCIF Does  Cycle Time / Process Management Important as a source of new ideas and practical methods for increasing efficiency and profitability  Attracting & Retaining Important. Communicate best practices. Promote tools to educate the educators. Could be a source of communication on long term careers.

13 Canadian Collision Industry Forum What CCIF Does  Education & Training Important. Operating as a reporting committee. May have a role in accreditation issue Important. Operating as a reporting committee. May have a role in accreditation issue  Parts & Materials Important. Issue “best practice” and position papers. Monitor threats to restrict parts usage. Technology change issues. Links with process and efficiency.

14 Canadian Collision Industry Forum What CCIF Does  Industry Issues Be responsive to local and immediate needs - Establish “Need to Know” committee to provide information and presenters on hot topics, e.g. Right to Repair, regulation changes, new technology.

15 Canadian Collision Industry Forum What CCIF Does Other Recommendations :  Develop a strategic plan  Define more clearly the roles and responsibilities of committees  Strengthen CCIF’s identity as the national voice of the collision repair industry

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