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Module Code: CU1025NI 3D Modelling and Animation Basics.

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Presentation on theme: "Module Code: CU1025NI 3D Modelling and Animation Basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module Code: CU1025NI 3D Modelling and Animation Basics

2 Popular 3D Animation Software Choices

3 Primary resources for learning Maya Watch Essential Skills Movies First - Get used to Maya GUI Hotbox Menu (Spacebar) And Hot Keys - Intermediate or Advance start from “Maya Project Setup”

4 Primary resources for learning Maya 2012 Essential Skills Movies (watch these first!)

5 Primary resources for learning Maya Maya Help (Maya Menu > Help)

6 Primary resources for learning Maya Official online resources (Maya Menu > Help > --Extra learning Resources-- )

7 Primary resources for learning Maya Books and DVDs (Available from many publishers) – Maya Tutorial Database Google search for Maya Lessons/Tutorials - However use un-official tutorials with the “pinch of salt”

8 The Maya Interface

9 Setting/checking user preferences A beginner/intermediate user should start from using default preferences settings Professional designer/artists prefer to work using their own settings To change the preferences: Window > Settings/Preferences > Preferences

10 Setting/checking user preferences Default Preferences: Note: Preferences attributes and values in different Maya versions can be a bit different. Therefore either revert and use default or set the values that suits your own way.

11 Setting/checking user preferences Some settings from the core textbook (in red):

12 Setting/checking user preferences Some settings from the core textbook (in red):

13 Setting/checking user preferences Some settings from the core textbook (in red):

14 Starting New Project File > Project > New (Old Versions) File > Project Window > New Button (2012 Version)

15 Starting New Project New Project window: click ‘Browse’ next to Location In the browse window navigate & choose a path Do not use a network drive!

16 Starting New Project In the Name field instead of New_Project enter name of your project Click “Use Defaults” and Only after that click ‘Accept’ & this completes project setup Save your work regularly (every 15 or 30 mins) while working on the project. Before logout from workstation don’t forget to copy all project folder & subfolders including content to USB drive or student network drive.

17 Setting Up Project File > Set Project Select the Project Folder that you created Click on ‘Set’

18 End of Slide

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