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The Merchant of Venice. Introduction: What do you know about William Shakespeare? What nationality was he ? When did he live? What did he write? Do you.

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Presentation on theme: "The Merchant of Venice. Introduction: What do you know about William Shakespeare? What nationality was he ? When did he live? What did he write? Do you."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Merchant of Venice

2 Introduction: What do you know about William Shakespeare? What nationality was he ? When did he live? What did he write? Do you know the titles of any of his plays?


4 Romeo and Juliet King Lear The merchant of Venice

5 How many characters are there? What are they? Antonio Bassanio Portia Nerissa The Duke Shylock


7 What kind of people are they? Antonio Bassanio Portia Nerissa The Duke Shylock A merchant,much liked by everybody and always ready to help others Antonio’s best friend.He wanted to marry Portia. Bassanio’s wife.She dressed up as a lawyer and went to the court. Portia’s maid. Show mercy on Antonio. The money lender who envied Antonio and hated him.


9 Part1: Questions: 1.What does the Duke ask Shylock to do ? 2.What is Shylock’s reply? 3.What does Bassanio offer? 4. What is Shylock’s reply? 5.What letter does Nerrissa bring? 6.What does the letter say?

10 Part 2: 1.Maybe it was not the custom for man to marry rich women if they were poor. 3.He is cruel. 2.He is merciful. 4.Shylock hated Antonio because he had many times scolded him publicly for being greedy and cruel. 5.a.literally, with the heart which he shall cut out of my body.b.metaphorically, whole heartedly,willingly. 6.Herself.She is Bassanio’s wife,but she is wearing the clothes of a lawyer,and he doesn’t recognize her.

11 Retell Part two!

12 Duke: Do not be so bitter. Duke: how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none? bitter pills / memories / winter /argument Have mercy on/ upon Show mercy to 对 …. 表示同情 at the mercy of 受 …… 摆布 请宽恕我吧。 他们对敌人毫无怜悯之情。

13 Shylock: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh. I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement. I desire my pound of flesh. We desire good education. We desire to live in peace. I desire that you should come on time. a desire for success

14 Homework 1.Read and act the play. 2.Retell the play.

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