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Ready. (Getting Conservatives on Board)  This presentation describes how to recruit  Resources you can use  Ways to make this easier  How to succeed.

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Presentation on theme: "Ready. (Getting Conservatives on Board)  This presentation describes how to recruit  Resources you can use  Ways to make this easier  How to succeed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ready

2 (Getting Conservatives on Board)

3  This presentation describes how to recruit  Resources you can use  Ways to make this easier  How to succeed where others have failed  How you can help save our state and nation

4  Your goal is to find conservatives who will serve on their respective County Committees  Why? Because many decisions which shape public policy begin via County Committee work  If only progressives have community organizers, and only progressive candidates are nominated – what outcome do we expect?

5  Learn about County Committees  Role  Responsibilities  Running for election  Seeking appointment  Leadership opportunities  When are County Committee elections held?

6  Find out who is currently on your Municipal Committee  Ask someone you know who is already on the Municipal Committee for the roster  Or ask the municipal clerk for the list (required by law)  Or, ask us to help you get the list  Who is currently the Municipal Chairman?  Determine when seats are up for election (each county independently determines terms of office)  Determine the term in office (2 years? 4 years?)

7  Get the roster of Registered Voters for your town from your county clerk  We can help with this  You can ask for raw data on disk, or specify what information you want (printed, on disk, or labels)  Be sure this data is sorted by Election District (because you’ll use the list to find candidates )  Obtain copy of your County Committee’s Bylaws (should be on web)

8  As you look at the current Municipal Committee roster, gather area conservatives to help you evaluate these people  Are those on the Municipal Committee conservatives?  Are they workers ?  Do they understand their critical mission?  Do they live in district ?  Are there vacancies ?  Do some folks need to be replaced ?  Coordinate with us

9  Once you’ve determined which Municipal Committee seats need to be filled/replaced, use your Voter Registration List to help you identify folks you know who live in that District...  Who are conservatives  Who understand the mission  Who are willing to work

10  Meet with prospective Municipal Committee members  Explain the opportunity, role, mission  Get their commitment to serve  Get them the information they need

11  Help these conservatives prepare their election ( or appointment ) strategy  Get Nominating Petitions from Municipal Clerk & determine how many signatures  Help them collect signatures (at least 2x)  Help review the petition rules (Notary, etc.)  Be sure they file by deadline

12  Campaign with your candidates  Help them get to know their election districts  Learn about local concerns / issues  Identify any opposition candidate(s)  Campaign to WIN

13  Essex  Somerset Morris ( Petition Submission Deadline: About April 10, 2012 for June 5 th Primary Election )

14  Create a team  Get your current Municipal Committee roster  Get a Voter Registration list, by District  Discover vacancies  Determine incumbents to replace  Use your Voter list, your network to recruit and elect workers

15  8 Steps  2 Months of work  Gain critical influence over policy  Gain knowledge of the real political process  Start Winning Elections !

16 End

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