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SAMR Model Maximizing technology for the highest levels of learning and mastery.

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1 SAMR Model Maximizing technology for the highest levels of learning and mastery.



4 SubstitutionSubstitution Direct substitute tool with no functional improvement. Teacher provides the template and the current event article.

5 AugmentationAugmentation Direct tool substitute with functional improvement. Now students have access to any current event article, but perhaps the finished product is the same.

6 ModificationModification Significant task redesign. Now students create a flyer that also includes multimedia components.

7 RedefinitionRedefinition Technology allows for new tasks previously inconceivable. Students post and share their work and ideas with others. They become the teachers.

8 Higher-level learning & Mastery STANDARD 4: Students apply thinking skills to their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing. STANDARD 5: Students read to locate, select, and make use of relevant information from a variety of media, reference, and technological sources.

9 Key Points The new standards emphasize skills over specific content. Covering content is not as important as honing skills.


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