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Distributed Architectures A Comparative Analysis Client-Server (socket), RPC/RMI,P2P,Grid Where do you want to go today ? Chintan Odhavji Patel and Feng.

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Presentation on theme: "Distributed Architectures A Comparative Analysis Client-Server (socket), RPC/RMI,P2P,Grid Where do you want to go today ? Chintan Odhavji Patel and Feng."— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributed Architectures A Comparative Analysis Client-Server (socket), RPC/RMI,P2P,Grid Where do you want to go today ? Chintan Odhavji Patel and Feng Charlie Zhao University of Missouri – Kansas City MO 64112 Guide : Dr Yugyung Lee

2 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track Problem Statement  Varied Requirements – Business and Scientific Domains  Several Matching Architectures  Fair and Comprehensive Comparison  Concrete Guidelines  Constraints : resources, processing, memory and other complexities(development and deployment)

3 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track All Software Arch. Are Distributed  Client-Server  RMI – Remote Method Invocation  DCE – Distributed Computing Environment  CORBA  DCOM  Jini  JavaBeans  Peer to Peer (P2P)  Grid Architecture Where do you want to go today ?

4 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track Related Work  Lot of work has been done in comparing the different implementations of same Architecture [1,4]  Generally the comparisons only consider measurable criteria's such as Execution time but leave out other important considerations as Deployment complexity [12]  Another aspect in which a lot of work is done is how to incorporate changes in the current Architecture to make is better [6,7,8,13] again the don’t consider an Alternative architecture itself

5 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track Our Solution  Part A. The Experimental Approach  Actual Implementation of the architecture  Time and Space Complexties  Part B. Empirical Analysis  “unmeasurable” parameters  eg: Scalability, Fault Tolerance,

6 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track The Experimental Approach  The SCI-FI Calculator Client. It will contain two threads  THREAD_SEND  Maintain a table of jobs completed and time taken  THREAD_RECV  Structure JOB { Integer JOB_ID Integer Thread_ID String Machine_ID Vector PARAMETERS Vector RESULTS Integer TYPE_OF_OPERATION }

7 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track Type of Jobs  Simple calculation  Discrete Inverse Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm IFFT  [High Time Complexity]  Sobel Edge Detection Algorithm in Image Processing  [High Time and Space Complexity]

8 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track Parameters for benchmarking  Calculation time  Resource usage  Complexity of the tasks as signed  Complexity of the Architecture deployment  Transparency  Scalability  Number of entities participating in the problem solving  Prioritization  Dependence on Network QoS  Modifiability  Fault-Tolerance

9 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track Empirical Analysis Consider following parameters:  Scalability – S  Fault-Tolerance ( Reliability ) – R R  S [Reliability is directly proportional to Scalability] i.e. R=KS Where K is a Constant, which determines the degree of reliability of the Architecture when we scale it.

10 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track Open Issues  Search : P2P and Grid have in built search protocols  Job Dispatching : Multiple Servers  Thin Middleware in Client-Server and RPC/RMI  Common Framework

11 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track Conclusion Our Research starts with a blank board and the results will be strictly based on the parameters/criteria’s that we defined. We also plan to use Weighted parameters. Finally come up with a concrete guidelines for using an architecture depending upon a given scenario

12 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track Thank You

13 CS- 551 Fall 2002 Research Track References [1] Performance of CORBA-based client-server architectures Abdul-Fatah, I.; Majumdar, S. Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on, Volume: 13 Issue: 2, Feb. 2002 Page(s): 111 –127 [4]. Evaluating the performance of CORBA for distributed and grid computing applications Es-sqalli, T.; Fleury, E.; Guyard, J.; Bhiri, S. Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2001. Proceedings. First IEEE/ACM International Symposium on, 2001 Page(s): 288 –294 [6] Secure peer-to-peer networking: the JXTA example Yeager, W.; Williams, J. IT Professional, Volume: 4 Issue: 2, March-April 2002 Page(s): 53 –57 [7] JXTA: a network programming environment Li Gong IEEE Internet Computing, Volume: 5 Issue: 3, May-June 2001 Page(s): 88 -95 [8] Search in JXTA and other distributed networks Botros, S.; Waterhouse, S. Peer-to-Peer Computing, 2001. Proceedings. First International Conference on, 2002 Page(s): 30 –35 [12] Java DistributedObject Models: An Alternative to Corba? George Koutsogiannakis andJ. Morris Chang IEEE IT Pro, May- June 2002 Page(s): 41-47

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