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1 MESH brief outline  Extract, compare and combine meaning from multiple multimedia news sources  Create advanced personalised multimedia summaries 

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Presentation on theme: "1 MESH brief outline  Extract, compare and combine meaning from multiple multimedia news sources  Create advanced personalised multimedia summaries "— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MESH brief outline  Extract, compare and combine meaning from multiple multimedia news sources  Create advanced personalised multimedia summaries  Syndicate summaries and content  Provide end users with a “multimedia mesh” navigation system  Knowledge-assisted multimodal analysis, reasoning and annotation  Summarisation  Personalisation  Multimedia content adaptation  Reasoning for syndication and access Enabling Technologies

2 2 Potential impact – Target groups  A significant contribution to emerging multimedia content markets  Facilitate the discovery and exploitation of multimedia content, with special focus in the area of News.  The outcome will be applicable to many other domains

3 3 Foreseen dissemination activities  Events in 2006-2007  IST Event, November 2006, Helsinki  IBC 2007, Amsterdam (September 2007)  Internationale Funkausstellung IFA Berlin 2007 (September 2007)  General dissemination objectives  Open Days  MESH web-site, incl. interactive demonstrations  Workshops and conferences  Information brochure and project flyer  Synergies with education  Clustering  Partner-specific activities  DW through the DW-Akademie, ARD network, EBU, IRT workshops, etc. DW & DIAS through their media channels  Corporate dissemination channels of Telefónica & Motorola  Technical & scientific publications by ITI, QMUL, UAM  Market channels of ATC (incl. IPTC) & Noterik  Education channels, incl. e.g. summer schools by UT, DFKI

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