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Résumé English 12A April 22. 4/22/2014 Résumé: a short document describing your education, work history, etc., that you give an employer when you are.

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Presentation on theme: "Résumé English 12A April 22. 4/22/2014 Résumé: a short document describing your education, work history, etc., that you give an employer when you are."— Presentation transcript:

1 Résumé English 12A April 22

2 4/22/2014 Résumé: a short document describing your education, work history, etc., that you give an employer when you are applying for a job. The origin is the French verb résumer (to summarize).

3 English 12A Calendar 4-24 & 4-25: 110 & Library 4-28 to 5-15: Dead Poets Society Unit 5-19: Volleyball Planning 5-19 to 5-22: Final Exam 5-23: Song Analysis PowerPoint Due! 5-27 to 6-3: Presentations

4 CONTACT INFORMATION Full Name Complete Address Phone Number Email Melissa Elsman OR Melissa E. Moore 314 Elm Street, Canonsburg, PA 15317 724-745-1400

5 EDUCATION Complete School Name, City, State (Abbreviated) Dates (Years) Degree Earned Canon-McMillan School District, Canonsburg, PA 2002-2014 High School Diploma

6 EDUCATION Complete School Name, City, State (Abbreviated) Dates (Years) Degree Earning Westminster College, New Wilmington, PA 2014-Present Bachelor of Arts

7 Work Experience Title, Employer Dates (Years) City, State (Abbreviated) Secondary English Teacher, Canon-McMillan School District 2005-2014 Canonsburg, PA

8 Work Experience Duties listed as phrases (5-10 words ) Teaching local, state, and national grade-level appropriate curriculum. Adapting activities and assessments for individual student needs. Interacting with students, colleagues, administrators, and parents.

9 Relevant Skills Skills (verbs) listed as phrases (5-10 words) Communicating accurately both verbally and electronically. Organizing multiple classes for past, present, and future units. Engaging a variety of learning levels from gifted to learning support.

10 Extracurricular Activities Title/Position, Group or Organization Dates (Years) City, State (Abbreviated) Yearbook Sponsor, Canon-McMillan Elmanac 2005-2010 Canonsburg, PA

11 Extracurricular Activities Participation (duties or responsibilities) listed as phrases (5-10 words ) Supervising staff of student photographers and editors. Editing photographs, written text, and page layouts. Creating age appropriate visual and verbal themes.

12 Volunteer Work Title/Position, Group or Organization Dates (Years) City, State (Abbreviated) Volunteer, Susan G. Koman 2000-2014 Greater Pittsburgh Area

13 Volunteer Work Participation (duties or responsibilities) listed as phrases (5-10 words ) Collecting donations from local businesses Participating in fundraising events Organizing fundraising events

14 Achievements & Awards Name of Award Date (Year) Name of Award Date (Year) Name of Award Date (Year) Cum Laude Graduate 2004 Most Promising Student Teacher 2005 Master of Education GPA 4.0 2008

15 References Full Name, Title, Phone Number, Email Address Dave Helinski, Principal of Canon- McMillan High School, 724-745-1400, lastnamefirstinitial@cmsd.

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