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Is hair considered class evidence or individual evidence? Why?

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Presentation on theme: "Is hair considered class evidence or individual evidence? Why?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Is hair considered class evidence or individual evidence? Why?
What are three functions of hair? Cells from the _______________must be present to individualize hair

2 Hair grows at a rate of __________mm/day
Hair grows at a rate of __________mm/day. Remember the hair math problems!! 8. Most animals will have a ____________, whereas human may/may not have a _____________. a) medulla b) cortex c) root d) shaft

3 Hair is composed of the protein _________, which is composed of building blocks called _____________. The pigment that gives hair its color is also a __________, and can be found mostly in the _____________ part of the hair. Can you diagram a hair (shaft, root, tip, cortex, medulla, cuticle)


5 What does bleach do to you hair?
What is NAA, and why is it helpful in hair analysis? Hair can adhere to clothes, carpets, and many other surfaces, and be transferred to other locations. This is called: a) primary transfer b) secondary transfer c)tertiary transfer d) redundant transfer

6 T or F? You are born with all the hair follicles you will ever have.
A human head hair is best characterized by a) the absence of a cortex b) a medulla that is more than ½ the overall diameter of the hair shaft c) a medulla that is absent or less than 1/3 the overall diameter of the hair shaft d) a continuous or interrupted medulla e) its scale pattern

7 Hair is an appendage of the skin growing out of the ____________.

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