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Early China Journey Across Time Ch7: Early China China’s First Civilizations Life in Ancient China The Qin and Han Dynasties.

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Presentation on theme: "Early China Journey Across Time Ch7: Early China China’s First Civilizations Life in Ancient China The Qin and Han Dynasties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early China Journey Across Time Ch7: Early China China’s First Civilizations Life in Ancient China The Qin and Han Dynasties


3 Enduring Understanding: Chinese dynasties each contributed ideas and inventions that influenced later civilizations. These ideas and inventions encouraged further development of new technology.

4 Essential Questions: 1. How was each dynasty different? 2. How did philosophers influence society in early China? 3. What Chinese inventions led to further advancements in other 4. societies? 5. How did the silk road encourage spread of Chinese culture?

5 Huang He River in China

6 Places, People, & Vocabulary: I. Huang He River II. dynasty III. aristocrat IV. pictograph/ideograph V. bureaucracy VI. mandate

7 Places, People, & Vocabulary: VII. Confucianism VIII. Daoism IX. Legalism X. social class XI. Great Wall of China XII. emperor

8 The Great Wall of China

9 What do you want to know? Think about it, use your book if you’d like, and write down one question at the bottom of your notes. Turn to the person next to you and share!

10 Key Concepts Importance of Huang He River to the development of civilization; isolation caused by mountains and deserts China was ruled by dynasties. New ideas and inventions were developed during each dynasty. Government in early China was influenced by the Mandate of Heaven and the division of society into three social classes.

11 Key Concepts Three different philosophies began in early China: Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. Civil war and unrest encouraged people to turn to Buddhism. The Silk Road improved trade and connected lands as far away as Greece and Rome.

12 The Great Wall of China

13 Lets Preview! Ch7 S1 China’s First Civilizations Chinese civilization was shaped by geography such as mountains and large rivers. Long-lasting dynasties gained power through strong armies. Ch7 S2 Life in Ancient China Early Chinese society had three main social classes: aristocrats, farmers, and merchants. During periods of unrest, ideas such as Confucianism, and Daoism developed. Ch7 S3 The Qin and Han Dynasties Both the Qin and Han dynasties created strong central governments. New inventions developed during the Han dynasty helped improve the lives of Chinese people.


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