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NEC Briefing National Cadet Advisory Council 30 April 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "NEC Briefing National Cadet Advisory Council 30 April 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 NEC Briefing National Cadet Advisory Council 30 April 2011

2 Projects and Updates -Cadet Organizations – COMPLETE – TO NHQ -Mentoring Successful Cadets – COMPLETE – TO NHQ -RCLS Curriculum Guidance – COMPLETE – TO NHQ -RCLS Participation – IN PROGRESS -New Cadet Training Requirements – PROPOSAL -NCAC Travel Funding – PROPOSAL -Other Projects in Progress: Online Testing, Communication Between Echelons, NCO Schools

3 RCLS Curriculum: Guidance -Central Proposal: -24-hour core curriculum -16 hours of additional experiential learning, readings, and online content -Weekend or weeklong implementation scenarios -Developing distance learning modules and options -Content Specifics Under Development With NHQ -NCAC Website Poll with 90+% Support

4 RCLS Participation: Overview Refocus RCLS toward Phase III leadership training away from just Eaker requirement completion. - Curriculum Proposal Focuses on Maximizing Both Availability and Quality Training Two Questions: -How many cadets should be attending RCLS? -Why do cadets not attend when they are eligible?

5 RCLS Participation: Target -Target: 66% of Mitchell cadets within 1 year of Mitchell - 3 to 5 year target -685 Cadets Annually (1037 Mitchells in 2010) -COS : 110 CAP cadets annually, ~50% overlap -Total RCLS Capacity Recommendation: 650 Cadets -Current Participation: -~138 Cadets Annually (2009 and 2010 data) -450% Increase Needed

6 RCLS Participation: Barriers

7 RCLS Participation: Solutions -Refocus RCLS toward Phase III leadership training away from just Eaker requirement completion. -Increase Course Offerings -Geographically Distribute Course Offerings -Communicate RCLS Opportunities

8 New Cadet Requirements: Problem -The Curry Achievement Requires: 1) Basic ORM, 2) Intro to Safety, 3) OPSEC, and 4) EOT. -The number of discrete tasks for the Curry Achievement overwhelms new cadets and decreases retention. -Requiring these tasks for 12-14 year old new cadets diminishes the impact of needed safety and ethics training.

9 New Cadet Requirements: Solution -Use Phase I as the cadet training parallel for Senior Member Level I.

10 - -Spread Out Requirements over Phase I: 1)OPSEC – Keep at Achievement 1 2)Basic ORM – Require for Wright Brothers 3)Intro to Safety – Require for Wright Brothers 4)EOT – Require After 18 th Birthday, like CPPT -Some Cadet Activities May Require Additional Training

11 NCAC Travel Funding -To simplify funding procedures to maximize CAC participation in the CAP National Board meetings. -We advise the NEC to implement the following: 1.Region personnel purchase flights using region funds and request reimbursement from NHQ. 2.Where transport would be by public transit or POV, regions may dispense funds beforehand. 3.Regions are able to ensure their representative is properly funded and work out logistics as needed.

12 The Bottom Line -Establish RCLS Participation Target and Work with Cadet Programs to Expand RCLS Course Offerings -Use Phase I as Cadet Training Equivalent to Adult Level I -Fund NCAC Travel Through Regions and Have Regions Request Reimbursement

13 Summary -Continuity and Successes -RCLS Discussion -The Bottom Line Questions and Concerns?

14 Thank You!

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