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ESG Reporting Forms PowerPoint Presentation December 10, 2013.

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1 ESG Reporting Forms PowerPoint Presentation December 10, 2013

2 3 Different Reporting Forms Quarter Progress Report-must be submitted quarterly with Match Tracking Report. Note: An FSR has to be submitted quarterly on HALO therefore, the Expenditure Report is no longer included with the Quarterly Progress Reporting Form. Semi Annual ESG Outcome Performance Report-due April 30 & October 31. Annual CoC Outcome Performance Report- due October 31st.

3 3 Different Progress Reports Cont’d The sub-grantees should complete the report and sent it to the Fiduciary. The Fiduciary will compile the data into one report and sent to MSHDA. All Reporting Forms must be sent to Juliann Kline (please do not email reports they are sometimes difficult to read) All financial assistance including utilities must be entered in HMIS (For participants receiving utility assistance only create a service transaction and close the record).

4 Quarterly Progress Reporting Form If your community has a DV Shelter or Shelter that is receiving ESG funding they would need to report how many participants were referred to the HARA. The ESG/HARA Counting Reporting from HMIS is needed to complete Questions 1-8 and must be attached to your Quarterly Progress Reporting Form. The 1 st page of the HMIS Counting Report.,4641,7-141-5515- 241719--,00.html,4641,7-141-5515- 241719--,00.html

5 Quarterly Progress Report cont’d Closing a record: if the HRS/Case Worker has not had any contact with a participant for 30 days, please close the record. MCAH has training available for the HARA Workflow. Please go to

6 Quarterly Progress Reporting Form Cont’d. Page 3: Match Tracking Report – This report must be completed to verify you are on target with your community 50% match requirement. Documentation of match must be included.

7 Semi Annual ESG Outcome Performance Report Must be submitted in April 30th and October 31 st Report must be run by the System Administrator,4641,7-141-5515- 241719--,00.html,4641,7-141-5515- 241719--,00.html Question #1- #3 Run HMIS Discharge Destination Report Question #4 -#6 Run HMIS Exit Income Outcomes Report

8 Annual CoC Outcome Performance Report Report due by October 31 Report must be run by the System Administrator,4641,7-141-5515-241719--,00.html Question #1 Run Discharge Destination Report twice (one for ESG programs and one for TH programs) Question #2 & #3 Run ESG Dash Board Report LOS & Recidivism ESG Question #4 Run ESG Dash Board Report LOS-Retention in PSH Question 5 Run #0001 Entry/Exit & Services Count Report

9 Annual CoC Outcome Performance Report Cont’d Question #6 Manually calculate (Homeless Count in Question #5 / Total Admitted to the HARA as reflected on the ESG/HARA Counting Report) Page 2 are questions related to how the CoC/or individual agencies improved any of the outcome performance measures Form must be signed by CoC Chair/Coordinator and mailed to Juliann Kline at MSHDA (please do not send by email)

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