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The Periodic Table Unit 5. 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com2 Element Characteristics Hydrogen Hydrogen Doesn’t belong to a group Doesn’t.

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1 The Periodic Table Unit 5

2 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com2 Element Characteristics Hydrogen Hydrogen Doesn’t belong to a group Doesn’t belong to a group Diatomic Diatomic Gas Gas Was used in blimps Was used in blimps

3 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com3 Alkali Metals Things you should know: Things you should know: –Na has an orange flame and is used in street lamps –Bananas are high in K –Li is used in batteries

4 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com4 Alkaline Earth Metals Things you should know: Things you should know: –Mg burns very brightly and is used in flares –Ca is needed for strong bones and teeth –Sr burns with a red flame and is used in fireworks –Ba is radioactive and is used to outline the intestines for X-rays

5 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com5 Boron Family Things you should know: –A–A–A–Al is never found alone in nature, but is the most abundant metal –G–G–G–Ga will melt in your hand –T–T–T–Tl is toxic and was formerly an insecticide

6 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com6 Carbon Family Things you should know: Things you should know: –Si is used for computer chips –Pb is toxic (perhaps caused the fall of the Roman Empire) –C has 3 allotropes (different forms) Graphite, diamond, coal Graphite, diamond, coal

7 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com7 Nitrogen Family Things you should know: Things you should know: –N 2 is 78% of our atmosphere –P glows in the dark and spontaneously combusts in air Originally found in urine Originally found in urine –As is used in rat and insect poison

8 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com8 Oxygen Family Things you should know: Things you should know: –We need O 2 to breathe –S smells like rotten eggs

9 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com9 Halogens Things you should know: Things you should know: –Cl 2 is a green poisonous gas used in WWI –Br 2 is a liquid at STP –I 2 will sublime from solid to gas –F 2 prevents cavities in teeth

10 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com10 Noble Gases Things you should know: Things you should know: –He is used in blimps and balloons –Ne is used for electrical signs –Ar is used to fill light bulbs –Rn is radioactive

11 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com11 Transition Metals Things you should know: Things you should know: –Cd and Ni are used in NiCad batteries –Hg vapors are toxic  “mad hatter” –W is used as light bulb filaments

12 6/3/2016Free Template from www.brainybetty.com12 Inner Transition Metals Things you should know: Things you should know: –U is radioactive and used for power plants –Pu is radioactive and used to make bombs –Nd is used to make very strong magnets

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