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The Things They Carried
English 11 The Things They Carried Have this up on the screen as students are walking in, letting the song play. An introduction to Tim O’Brien and his fictional account of the Vietnam War The Things They Carried
Prior Knowledge (Vocabulary)
English 11 Prior Knowledge (Vocabulary) Fabricated Psychological warfare Propaganda Communists Protagonist Students should copy these terms into their notebook and leave some space between each for the definition. Vocabulary The Things They Carried
Fabricated Made up, created.
The child fabricated a lie when asked how the lamp became broken. The child made up a lie when asked how the lamp became broken. Vocabulary back
Psychological Warfare
Tactics that use propaganda to try to demoralize an enemy in war, usually including the civilian population Vocabulary back
Propaganda Something communicated in a biased way in order to shape or change the ideas of a targeted audience information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. Vocabulary back
Communists One who believes in a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy shares all goods equally with the people Create closed state economies that barely trade with capitalist countries Vocabulary back
Protagonist The central figure of a story; The character with the lead role. Vocabulary back
Relevant Facts About the Vietnam War
English 11 Relevant Facts About the Vietnam War No fixed date that the US entered into war with Vietnam Series of steps from 1950 – 1965 Vietnam The Things They Carried
Relevant Facts about the Vietnam War
Eisenhower fabricated a government of South Vietnam Advisers to psychological warfare against North Vietnam Vietnam
English 11 Vietnam Timeline 1950 – Truman sent economic and military aid to the French who were trying to retain hold on their Indochina colony. 1954 – The defeated French conceded to a communist government north of the 17th parallel. 1960 – JFK approves Aid 1964 – US began sending combat troops as a result of The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. Can also show students the time line provided by located here: which is linked on the next slide Vietnam The Things They Carried
Vietnam Timeline 1965 – 1966 Military escalation because S. Vietnam couldn’t handle things 1967 – Draft began. Antiwar Protests happening across US 1969 –My Lai Massacre where US soldiers kill a village full of civilians 1972 – Ceasefire 1973 – Paris Peace Agreement Click here for an online timeline offered by Vietnam
Vietnam Demographics Location Religion People Vietnam English 11
Three demographics that students should keep in the back of their minds while reading this book Vietnam The Things They Carried
English 11 Vietnam Demographics Location – South of China, East of Laos and Cambodia, West of South China Sea This map shows some of the various places mentioned in the book. Have an enlarged map on the board, or create an overhead for future reference. Can also show interactive map located here: throughout the stories in the book. Here is an interesting interactive map of places mentioned in the book Vietnam The Things They Carried
Religion Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Tam Giao (tri-religion, …) Vietnam
English 11 Religions It’s interesting to note that the majority of Vietnamese people have no practiced religion. *Other religions include: Hoa Hao (1.5%), Cao Dai (1.1%), Protestant (.5%, and Muslim (.1%) The Things They Carried
People of Vietnam 80% ethnic Vietnamese
20% different ethnic minority groups, hill tribes Languages spoken: Vietnamese, Chinese, English, French, Russian Vietnam
What Do You Need to Know About the Book Before Reading It?
English 11 What Do You Need to Know About the Book Before Reading It? It is ALL fiction! Facts are not important! Emotional effect of incidents is what is important. Be sure to stress this slide, it is the most important for students to realize that none of the events actually happened as Tim describes. He is going for the emotional effect to get the reader to feel what he felt during the war. The Things They Carried
Tim O’Brien (author) vs. “Tim O’Brien” (character, narrator)
English 11 Tim O’Brien (author) vs. “Tim O’Brien” (character, narrator) Protagonist and sometime narrator is “Tim O’Brien”. This “Tim O’Brien” in the book is NOT REAL. Even when “Tim O’Brien” talks directly to the reader, it is the fictional “Tim”. Put this on the board. When “Tim O’Brien” is in quotes, we are referring to the fictional narrator. When Tim O’Brien is not in quotes, we mean the real-life author. The Things They Carried
Example of the narrator “Tim O’Brien” speaking directly to the reader
“Now and then, when I tell this story [about the baby water buffalo], someone will come up to me afterward and say she liked it. It’s always a woman. “…. What I should do”, she’ll say, “is put it all behind me. Find new stories to tell.” “I wont say it but I’ll think it. “I’ll picture Rat Kiley’s face, his grief, and I’ll think, You dumb cooze. “Because she wasn’t listening. “It wasn’t a war story. It was a love story.” ~ “How to Tell a True War Story”, pgs
Tim O’Brien The author Tim did actually go to Vietnam and really was in the Alpha Company, but is writing a fictional account. Tim O'Brien
Literary Devices found in The Things They Carried
Imagery Mood Point of View Characterization Symbolism Metaphor Irony Lit devices
Imagery Vivid language that puts a picture in the mind of the reader
Example: “His jaw was in his throat, his upper lip and teeth were gone, his one eye was shut, his other eye was a star-shaped hole…” (pg. 124) Lit devices
Mood Feeling author wants the reader to have while reading Example:
In the story “Ghost Soldiers” Tim wants the reader to feel the fear of being on night watch. Lit devices
Point of View The attitude or outlook of a narrator or character.
Example: The narrator “Tim O’Brien” is against war and thinks himself a coward for going to Vietnam Lit devices
Characterization What the characters are like; their personalities
English 11 Characterization What the characters are like; their personalities Example: Henry Dobbins is superstitious and believes in luck because he carries extra rations and his girlfriend’s pantyhose. Add more information on the major characters. Lit devices The Things They Carried
English 11 Metaphor Compare two things that are unlike in any way (without using like or as) Example: The disjointed telling of the story is a metaphor for life as a soldier in Vietnam Find a good example from the book Lit devices The Things They Carried
Symbolism An object that represents a larger idea Example
English 11 Symbolism An object that represents a larger idea Example The Silver Star is a medal that symbolizes courage and honor Need a good example Lit devices The Things They Carried
Irony The opposite of what is expected happens Example:
When 2 characters are goofing off and having a good time, a bomb goes off and kills one. Lit devices
Tim O'Brien biography: The Early Years
English 11 Tim O'Brien biography: The Early Years Born in Austin on Oct. 1, 1946 and grew up in a small town in Minnesota He shares this birth date with several of his characters Dad was an insurance salesman Mom was an elementary school teacher Students do not need to write this down. Tim O'Brien The Things They Carried
Tim O'Brien Biography: College Life
English 11 Tim O'Brien Biography: College Life Political science major at Macalester College, attended peace vigils and war protests Graduated in 1968 Students do not need to write this down. Click on the crest to link to the college’s website. Tim O'Brien The Things They Carried
Tim O'Brien Biography: To Go to War?
English 11 Tim O'Brien Biography: To Go to War? Received his draft notice upon graduation Was against the war: hated Boy Scouts, bugs, and rifles. Considered deserting to Canada once he received his classification as an infantryman Student’s do not need to write this down; however, this will be important to remember later on when we get to this chapter (On the Rainy River) Tim O'Brien The Things They Carried
Tim O'Brien Biography: In Vietnam
English 11 Tim O'Brien Biography: In Vietnam Assigned to the 3rd Platoon, Alpha Company, 5th battalion, 46th Infantry as a foot soldier Served in Vietnam from Returned home with a Purple Heart Was wounded by shrapnel from a hand grenade Students do not need to remember this. Tim O'Brien The Things They Carried
Tim O'Brien Biography: Views on Vietnam
English 11 Tim O'Brien Biography: Views on Vietnam Now believes it was an act of cowardice to go to war instead of fleeing to Canada Was 22 years old and feared the disapproval of his family and friends, his townspeople and country Hated every minute of Vietnam This is important. This is a good essay question for the test – that going to war was an act of cowardice, and the brave thing to do would have been to flee to Canada. How do they (students) feel? What would they have done? Tim O'Brien The Things They Carried
Tim O'Brien Biography: Life after Vietnam
After returning to the states, he became a grad student at Harvard. Left Harvard to become a newspaper reporter for The Washington Post. Began writing fiction about Vietnam Tim O'Brien
Works by Tim O’Brien If I Die in Combat (1973) Northern Lights (1975)
English 11 Works by Tim O’Brien If I Die in Combat (1973) Northern Lights (1975) Going after Cacciato (1978) The Nuclear Age (1985) The Things They Carried (1990) In the Lake of the Woods (1994) Some students like his writing, and may find these interesting. Tim O'Brien The Things They Carried
Tim O'Brien Biography: Current Whereabouts
Is currently a visiting professor and chair at Southwest Texas State University where he teaches in the Creative Writing Program Tim O'Brien
Tim O’Brien Claims he still gets calls from people, asking questions, offering their own opinions about what happened. They want to know, missing the point of the novel, that life often does not offer solutions or resolutions, that it is impossible to know completely what secrets lurk within people Tim O'Brien
Abbreviations found in The Things They Carried
English 11 Abbreviations found in The Things They Carried Abbreviation Part of speech Definition SOP N Standard Operating Procedure CO Commanding Officer PFC Private First Class (rank) RTO Radio Transmissions Officer LP Language/Listening Patrol CS Tear gas MRE Meal ready to eat VC Viet Cong Great quiz material! Vocabulary The Things They Carried
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