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Pushball A Total Body Workout that is Extreme Fun.

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1 Pushball A Total Body Workout that is Extreme Fun

2 Pushball The Team: Teams consist of 7 players. Although the game can be played co-ed, boys and girls should have their own teams and to avoid injuries should not be mixed. The Ball: The ball is a 72” Cage Ball. It consists of a bladder and cover that is laced or zipped up prior to play. Balls can be purchased from Wolverine Sports ( They are listed as 72” Cage Balls).

3 Pushball Rules: Rules are basic and primarily designed to ensure the safety of the players. There is a single official with 2 side judges (one for each side of the field). The Game: The game consists of four 7 minute quarters played on a standard football or soccer field. There is a 2 minute rest between quarters and a 4 minute rest at half time. Players change ends of the field at half time.

4 Pushball The Game (continued): Scoring is achieved when one team pushes the ball across the goal of the other team. The ball only needs to break the plane of the goal to count as a score. Teams receive 1 point for each score. Teams must wear different colors so that players can be easily identified. Numbers, for players, are not necessary. To begin the game the ball is placed mid field (centered). Each team begins with 3 players touching the ball. The remaining players will begin 5 yards back and may rush the ball on the whistle. There are no time outs! The clock is a running clock. Should the ball go out of bounds, the ball is put back into play as soon as the official gets it reset. Only for an injury can the clocked be stopped. The game is designed to be played quickly. Players may only play from their side of the ball. Players may not intentionally obstruct players from the other team from making a play on the ball (no blocking or screening players from the ball).

5 Pushball The Game (continued): Players are not allowed to (these are penalties): 1. Kick the ball. 2. Climb on top of the ball. 3. Grab/Hold the laces or Zipper. 4. Attempt to make a play on the ball while off-sides. 5. Display un-sportsman like conduct. 6. Argue with an official. 7. Intentionally block or screen an opposing player from the ball. 8. Lead with their heads. Heading the ball is very dangerous. The official may allow play to continue if awarding a penalty would result in an advantage (by stopping play) for the team that committed the foul.

6 Pushball The Game (continued): Pushball is a very physically demanding game and players must have a permission slip to play. New players to the game can count on sore muscles and (depending on their level of fitness) may experience cramps during a game. Hydration is very important to ensure that players do not overheat. There are a number of Pushball safety tips that should be learned through the officials briefing prior to a game. The official should also discuss special rules for putting the ball in play when within 5 yards of the goal (as an example, all players may touch the ball when it is put in play within 5 yards of the goal). Bottom Line: Pushball is GREAT FUN. It is also HARD WORK. Very few injuries are experienced when kids are in good shape, follow the rules and play hard. Pushball Officials must be in good shape. The game should not slow down because an official is unable to keep up. Officials will inspect players before a game to ensure that they are not wearing anything that could cause them harm or damage the ball (such as jewelry, belt buckles or other sharp objects). Rules and game length may be modified for tournament play.

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