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Published byDustin Harper Modified over 8 years ago
1 International negotiations on post 2012 regime: general framework and the key questions Ruta Bubniene, Programme officer Reporting, Data and Analysis Programme Support of Shaping the Post Kyoto Climate Regime, March 5-6, Szentendre
2 Overview The Bali Action Plan AWG-LCA progress and outlook AWG-KP progress and outlook Outlook to Copenhagen conference
3 Bali Action Plan: 5 elements Enhanced action on the provisions of financial resources and investment to support action on M&A and T cooperation Enhanced action on technology development and transfer to support action on M&A Enhanced action on adaptation Enhanced national and international action on mitigation of climate change A shared vision for long-term cooperative action
4 AWG-LCA progress and outlook
5 Overview At COP 13 in Bali, by decision 1/CP.13 (the Bali Action Plan), Parties launched a comprehensive process to enable the full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention through long-term cooperative action, now, up to and beyond 2012, in order to reach an agreed outcome and adopt a decision at COP 15. COP decided that the process shall be conducted under a subsidiary body under the Convention, the Ad Hoc Working Group on Long-term Cooperative Action under the Convention (AWG-LCA), that shall complete its work in 2009 and present the outcome of its work to the COP 15. 4 sessions: –AWG LCA 1, Bangkok, March 2008 –AWG LCA 2, Bonn, June 2008 –AWG LCA 3, Accra, August 2008 –AWG LCA 4, Poznan, December 2008
6 Shared vision A shared vision for long-term cooperative action, including a long-term global goal for emission reductions, to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention, … the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities… Scientific message (emissions to peak by 2015 and decline thereafter (60-70% reductions by 2050)) and political aspect Shared vision - a central issue for the discussion in Poznan Conference (workshop, high level segment)
7 Adaptation Ongoing work under the Buenos Aires and Nairobi programmes on adaptation Key discussion points: national planning for adaptation; streamlining and scaling up financial and technological support; enhancing knowledge sharing; institutional frameworks In Poznan Adaptation Fund was fully operationalised : –Adoption of: Rules of procedure for the Adaptation Fund Board Legal & administrative arrangements with GEF and WB Strategic priorities, policies and guidelines –Agreement on conferring legal capacity to the AFB to enable direct access of eligible Parties to the AF –Pending: A Kyoto Party to grant legal capacity to AFB Discussion on possibility to collect proceeds from other flexible mechanisms to AF
8 Mitigation Further discussion on targets and comparability of effort for developed countries, and the role of the developing countries in the mitigation effort, including major economies Differences in the requirements of measurable/reportable/verifiable (MRV) for commitments and/or actions Advancing the understanding in key areas, e.g.: Nationally appropriate mitigation actions (NAMAs) supported and enabled by technology, financing and capacity building Cooperative sectoral approaches and sector specific actions on mitigation (national and international action) Policy approaches and positive incentives on mitigation in forestry sector (REDD)
9 Technology and finance Technology and finance are essential to enable effective action on mitigation and adaptation Key discussion points: –barriers for technology transfer, –provision of financing and other incentives, –scaling up and optimizing financing, –appropriate institutional arrangements, governance, Identifying the necessary finance and investment sources: –new public sector finance; r –role of private sector and carbon market; –role of the GEF strategic programme ‘Poznan strategic programme on technology transfer’- a step towards scaling up the level of investment in technology transfer
10 Outcome of Poznan conference: AWG-LCA4 Considered ideas and proposals presented by the Parties (revised the “assembly” document) Three focused in-session workshops: –Shared vision for long-term cooperative action –Risk management and risk reduction strategies, including risk sharing and transfer mechanisms such as insurance –Cooperation on R&D of current, new and innovative technology LCA resolved to ‘shift into full negotiating mode in 2009’. Work programme for 2009 adopted
11 AWG-LCA work program for 2009 ‘Focus’ document 29 March - 8 April 2009 Bonn 1 - 12 June 2009 Bonn 28 September - 9 October Bangkok 7 - 18 December 2009 Copenhagen 3 workshops Negotiating text Agreed text
12 AWG-KP progress and outlook
13 Overview Ad Hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for AI Parties under the KP (AWG-KP) established in December 2005 (Montreal) 6 sessions: –AWG-KP1, Bonn, May 2006 –AWG-KP2, Nairobi, November 2006 –AWG-KP3, Bonn, May 2007 –AWG-KP4.1, Vienna, August 2007 –AWG-KP4.2, Bali, December 2007 –AWG-KP5.1, Bangkok, March 2008 –AWG-KP5.2, Bonn, June 2008 –AWG-KP6.1. Accra, August 2008 –AWG-KP6.2 Poznan, December 2008 –The AWG-KP is set to complete its work by the end of 2009
14 Outcomes of Poznan conference: AWG-KP 6.2 Agreed that future commitments for AI Parties under KP should, principally take the form of QELROs; Initiated consideration of the scale of emission reductions to be achieved by AI Parties in aggregate; Established a clear link between possible individual or joint targets; and mitigation potentials, effectiveness, efficiency, cost and benefits of current and future policies, measures and technologies, and national circumstances; Advanced work on means to achieve these targets (mechanisms, LULUCF, sectors, gasses); Expressed resolve to switch to ‘full negotiation mode in 2009’ Agreed work program for 2009 that aims at facilitating Parties agreement on future commitments for AI Parties
15 AWG-KP work program for 2009 4 notes of the chair (on mechanisms, on LULUCF, on elements for amendments, on other issues) WS on scale of emission reductions WS on potential consequences 29 March - 8 April 2009 Bonn 1 - 12 June 2009 Bonn 28 September - 9 October Bangkok 7 - 18 December 2009 Copenhagen Text on proposed amendments and issues Negotiating text [?] Agreed text Focus on agreeing on further commitments
16 Outlook to Copenhagen conference
17 The need for clarity on 4 essentials: Targets and actions for developed Parties Nationally appropriate mitigation actions Financial and technological support for adaptation and mitigation Institutional framework Outlook to Copenhagen conference
18 Thank you!
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