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Are free trade agreements harmful to the U.S economy?

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Presentation on theme: "Are free trade agreements harmful to the U.S economy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Are free trade agreements harmful to the U.S economy?

2 Free Trade Agreements A contract between two or more countries to reduce or eliminate any government imposed barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and money across national boundaries.

3 Is Free Trade Fair Trade?  When a country tries to produce most of the goods and services its people require the economy grows slowly  When a country exports its most plentiful or easily produced goods & imports goods others can produce easily the economy grows rapidly.  Trade agreements among nations establish favorable rules of trade and reduce trade barriers  BUT free trade has been rare throughout history

4 Protectionism  Protectionism is when countries use various tools of trade to protect industries OR encourage consumers to buy certain goods and services  Throughout U.S. history gov’t has used protectionism to control trade and promote domestic industries  In recent years U.S. gov’t has advocated lifting trade restrictions with some countries and made regional trade agreements in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Middle East

5 NAFTA  North American Free Trade Agreement  Canada, USA, Mexico  Early supporters of NAFTA believed it would create a level playing ground for farmers in all members nations by reducing tariffs on farm products  NAFTA did not restrict USA from giving subsidies to farmers-allowing U.S. farmers to sell goods more cheaply than Mexican farmers  SO talks about creating Free Trade Area of the Americans (FTAA)- extend NAFTA to all 34 democratic countries in the Western Hemisphere & largest in the world

6 What about the USA?  2012 Obama announced intention to create Trans- Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership with 27 nations of the European Union  Proponents claim it will lead to further liberalized trade and create new opportunities for American businesses  BUT effects of free trade within U.S have always been controversial- during periods of high unemployment protectionism is seen as necessary to shield domestic industry and jobs

7 The Debate Pro  Free trade opens markets for U.S. goods-creating more jobs  Inexpensive imports means greater choice, lower prices and higher standard of living  Competition spurs improvement in U.S. productivity- generating profits ($$) for businesses and millions of jobs Con  Free trade agreements have encouraged U.S. businesses to move to developing nations where labor is cheap  Therefore Americans lose their jobs or must take lower wages  Gov’t loses tax revenues and must pay more in unemployment benefits

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