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Construction Objective 7.07 Explain the Characteristics of structural systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Construction Objective 7.07 Explain the Characteristics of structural systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Construction Objective 7.07 Explain the Characteristics of structural systems.

2 You should be able to… Define Construction Explain the types of construction Describe construction as a system

3 Construction is…… The process of building, erecting or constructing buildings, roads, or other structures.

4 Construction’s Four Major Parts Residential Industrial Commercial Public Works

5 Residential Construction Refers to building structures in which people live. Most residential structures are single- family or private homes. Small Multifamily units Most residential construction is done by fairly small construction companies.

6 Residential Construction Example Duplex Town House Single-Family

7 Industrial Construction Includes the building and remodeling of factories and other industrial structures. Usually planned by specialized engineering firms. Usually built by large construction firms that have many employees.

8 Industrial Construction Concrete floors must be poured much thicker than in residential or standard commercial structures.

9 Commercial Construction Structures that are used for business or government purposes. Materials and techniques used in commercial construction are different from those used in residential. For Example, Building codes may require steel framing for public-use buildings to reduce fire-risk.

10 Commercial Structures Architects, structural engineers, and sometimes civil engineers work on the design of these structures. Examples – Supermarkets, shopping malls, restaurants, and office buildings.

11 Public Works Structures Consist of structures intended for public use such as roadways, bridges, utilities, water, sewage, etc.

12 Public Works Usually funded by state or local taxes. Built by large Construction Firms. Architects design structures Engineers make the design structurally sound and decide what materials to use.

13 A Construction System I nput P rocess O utput F eedback

14 Construction System Inputs People Information Materials Tools & Machines Energy Capital Time

15 Construction System Process Designing structure Preparing Site Laying the Foundation Building the Superstructure

16 Construction System Output Finished Structure Impacts on individuals, Community, and environment.

17 Construction System Feedback Comments from structure’s users or inhabitants. Accidents or disasters resulting from defective materials or poor design.

18 Conventional Solid-Sawn Lumber Is wood that is sawed and planed to standard sizes. The two types of conventional solid-sawn lumber are dimension lumber and board lumber.

19 Dimension Vs Board Lumber. Dimension Lumber Lumber that measures between 2 and 5 inches thick. It is classified by its dimensions as it is cut from the log, before it is planed and dried. Board Lumber Is lumber that measures less than ½ inch thick and 4 or more inches wide. Both types of lumber are commonly available in even-numbered lengths, such as 6, 8, 10, or 12 feet.

20 Dimension Lumber Sizes Nominal Size For Dimension Lumber 2X4 2X6 2X8 2X10 2X12 Actual Size (Dried and Planed) 1 ½” X 3 ½” 1 ½” X 5 ½” 1 ½” X 7 ¼” 1 ½” X 9 ¼” 1 ½” X 11 ¼”

21 Board Lumber Sizes Nominal Size For Dimension Lumber 1 X 4 1 X 6 1 X 8 1 X 10 1 X 12 Actual Size (Dried and Planed) ¾” X 3 ½” ¾” X 5 ½” ¾” X 7 ¼” ¾” X 9 ¼” ¾” X 11 ¼”

22 Engineered wood panels. Plywood, particle board, wafer board, and oriented-strand board (OSB) are engineered-wood panels made by mixing woods from small, crooked trees that would otherwise be unprofitable to harvest.

23 Plywood Each ply or layer is glued with its grain at right angles to the layer above and below it, making the plywood strong and resistant to warping.

24 Plywood Layers

25 Waferboard The chips and flakes of wood have non directional, or random, alignment.

26 Oriented-Strand Board The reconstructed wood strands are directionally layered, and each of the 3 to 5 layers is perpendicular to the layer above and/ or below it.

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