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US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Planning Principles & Procedures – FY11 AUTHORIZATION AND APPROPRIATION OR “It Takes Two to Tango"

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1 US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG ® Planning Principles & Procedures – FY11 AUTHORIZATION AND APPROPRIATION OR “It Takes Two to Tango"

2 BUILDING STRONG ® REFERENCES  EC 11-2-XXX, Corps of Engineers Civil Works Direct Program, Program Development Guidance, Fiscal Year 201X  Draft EC 1105-2-220, Civil Works Legislative Process

3 BUILDING STRONG ® OBJECTIVES 1.To be able to identify the various sources of authorities to conduct a study. 2.To be able to explain the difference between authorization and appropriation.

4 BUILDING STRONG ® AUTHORIZATION Definition: Permission to undertake a specific activity. (e.g., the keys to the car)  Corps needs separate authorization for studies and project construction

5 BUILDING STRONG ® STUDY AUTHORIZATION PROCESS  Local officials ask Corps for assistance  If no existing authority, locals ask congressional delegation for study authorization.  Member asks House T&I or Senate E&PW Committee to authorize study.  Committee asks Corps for information.  Committee adopts study resolution.

6 BUILDING STRONG ® EXAMPLE STUDY RESOLUTION LANGUAGE BIG SANDY WATERSHED, KENTUCKY, WEST VIRGINIA, AND VIRGINIA SEC. XXXX. Big Sandy Watershed, Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia The Secretary shall conduct a study to determine the feasibility of reallocating authorized reservoir storage for authorized water resources project purposes, including water supply, low-flow augmentation, flood control, ecosystem restoration, and recreation, within the Big Sandy Watershed in Kentucky, West Virginia, and Virginia.

7 BUILDING STRONG ® EXAMPLE STUDY RESOLUTION LANGUAGE “Resolved by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the United States House of Representatives, That the Secretary of the Army is requested to review the report of the Chief of Engineers on the Comprehensive Flood Control Plan for Ohio and Lower Mississippi Rivers published as House Document 1, 75 th Congress, 1 st Session, and other pertinent reports to determine whether modifications to the recommendations contained therein are advisable to address the need for flood damage reduction, environmental restoration and protection, and for other purposes in the Duck Creek watershed in Guernsey, Monroe, Noble, and Washington Counties, Ohio.”

8 BUILDING STRONG ® EXAMPLE PROJECT AUTHORIZATION LANGUAGE TITLE I - WATER RESOURCES PROJECTS (WRDA 1999) SEC. 101. PROJECT AUTHORIZATIONS. (a) PROJECTS WITH CHIEF’S REPORTS. - The following projects for water resources development and conservation and other purposes are authorized to be carried out by the Secretary substantially in accordance with the plans, and subject to the conditions, described in the respective reports designated in this subsection: (3) SAND POINT HARBOR, ALASKA. - The project for navigation, Sand Point Harbor, Alaska: Report of the Chief of Engineers dated October 13, 1998, at a total cost of $11,760,000, with an estimated Federal cost of $6,964,000 and an estimated non- Federal cost of $4,796,000.

9 BUILDING STRONG ® STANDING AUTHORITIES  Continuing Authorities Program  Section 216 of FCA of 1970 Review of Completed Works  Section 22 of WRDA 74 Single Purpose Water Supply  Section 22 of WRDA 74 Planning Assistance to States

10 BUILDING STRONG ® APPROPRIATION Definition: Approval to obligate and expend funds for an authorized activity. (e.g., money for gas)  13 Appropriations Acts fund the U. S. Government  Corps Civil Works appropriations are in the Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act


12 BUILDING STRONG ® Seamless Funding of CW Project Development R R1R1 R1R1 R1R1 $ $1$1 $1$1 $1$1 R = Request$ = Appropriation= Execution Fiscal Year R2R2 $2$2 R3R3 $3$3 R2R2 $2$2 R2R2 R3R3 R4R4 $2$2 $3$3 A A A = Authorization Reconnaissance Feasibility PED Construction

13 BUILDING STRONG ® SUMMARY  Sources of study authority include: ► House or Senate Committee Resolution ► WRDA, Appropriations, or other Act of law. ► Section 216 of 1970 Flood Control Act ► Section 2 of 1958 Fish & Wildlife Coord. Act ► Continuing Authorities Program  Authorization is permission to undertake a specific activity (study or project).  Appropriation is approval to obligate and expend funds for an authorized activity.

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