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Illawarra and South East Region Technology Update Meeting Term 2, 2012. Loreta Kocovska, Connected Learning Coordinator Julie Thomas, DER Project Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Illawarra and South East Region Technology Update Meeting Term 2, 2012. Loreta Kocovska, Connected Learning Coordinator Julie Thomas, DER Project Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Illawarra and South East Region Technology Update Meeting Term 2, 2012. Loreta Kocovska, Connected Learning Coordinator Julie Thomas, DER Project Officer Karran Williamson, DER Project Officer Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI

2 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI Vanessa Glasgow, Warilla HS, Paul Cuthbertson, Keiraville PS, Dave Hounsell, Broulee PS, The group provides a forum for key personnel to collaborate and discuss innovative ideas to promote and enhance technology opportunities in our region.

3 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI VCs that demonstrate the effective integration of IWBs in teaching and learning. All resources located at: The next two VCs are scheduled for the 22/8/2012 and 29/8/2012 Time:3.10pm dial in for 3.15pm start – 3.45pm finish Venue:Dial into Virtual Meeting Number – 571032559 Bridgit Conference ID: ISER BUGS Password: ISER To nominate for a presentation contact the ISER BUGS Program Coordinator Vanessa Glasgow at

4 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI SMART BUGS - FREE IWB Training Sessions Thirroul Public School Date: 12 th September, at 3:45pm – 5:00pm To enrol, visit: Please navigate to: Illawarra-South Coast Region Corrimal High School Date: 29 th August at 3:45pm – 5:00pm To enrol, visit: Please navigate to: Illawarra-South Coast Region

5 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI Course: Moodle 2.2 for Beginners Teachers will learn the basic skills required to use Moodle and through hands on training course will create online learning activities that make syllabus content; meaningful, relevant and significant to students. The course covers skills such as : student enrolment, adding content and communicating with students. Location: Warilla Office Date: 29 th August Enrol:

6 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI Course: Moodle 2.2 for Intermediate to Advanced users This course is for teachers who have some experience using Moodle. The day is a hands on collaborative workshop that will focus on skill development. Teachers will have the opportunity to further develop the use of the activities and resources utilising the software to make syllabus content more meaningful, relevant and significant to students. Location: Warilla Office Date: 30 th August Enrol:

7 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI Course: Digital Citizenship The course provides an orientation on issues relevant to adolescents, teachers and social networking as well the opportunity to collaborate with colleagues in the same or different schools. Participants work through online course materials and complete scaffolded activities in lesson and course planning as well as communicating with students, other teachers and parents/carers on the Digital Citizenship course. The course is scheduled and managed at a school level. Date: September 5 th Location: IRO, Oldfield Avenue, Warilla. (Training Room) Time: 8:30am – 3:00pm Enrol via MyPL@Edu

8 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI Course: Interactive Whiteboards Become familiar with the operation of the IWB and its basic interaction with SMART Notebook software, other applications and the Internet. And have the opportunity to consider and incorporate IWB technology into their classroom programs, in keeping with the Quality Teaching Model. Location: Illawarra Training Room, Illawarra Senior College, Port Kembla. Date: 17 th & 18 th October, 2012. Time: 8:30am – 3:00pm Enrol via MyPL@Edu

9 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI We can deliver the following training onsite Edmodo OneNote MovieMaker Adobe Acrobat Digital study Skills Using SmartNotebook on Interactive Whiteboards Moodle In the classroom Digital Information Literacy Web 2.0 tools

10 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI All Schools Technology Day “The annual ASTD will be held at Pt Kembla GC, in Wollongong, on September 18th 2012. Presented annually since 1998, this conference is designed for innovative teachers and school leaders who are integrating ICT in the curriculum. This year the conference will present a number of workshops focussing on mobile ICT and other emerging technologies, and how these technologies can become powerful tools to enhance the curriculum. Full details of all workshops, a copy of the attached flyer, and online registration is available at

11 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI PLANE PLANE is an acronym for Pathways for Learning, Anywhere, anytime – a Network for Educators. PLANE is managed by a consortium consisting of the NSW Department of Education and Communities, the Catholic Education Commission NSW, the Association of Independent Schools NSW and the Council of Deans of Education NSW together with industry partners Adobe and Microsoft.NSW Department of Education and Communitiesthe Catholic Education Commission NSWthe Association of Independent Schools NSWAdobeMicrosoft ISER PLANE training 22 nd November @IRO information to be forwarded in School Biz and TechnologyBiz

12 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI Breakkie with a Teckkie Is a collaborative regionally organised DER Video Conference Series focussing on Web 2 Tools use in the classroom. The VC Series is held on Wednesday Mornings from 8:00am to 8:30am. Sessions limited to 75 sites. **Register here****Register here** Comes to an end this term and the very last session will be Week 9 Term 3

13 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI Collaborating Schools Secondary schools were invited to participate in the ISER DER Project School Initiative. The aim of the project was to have teams of teachers from each KLA adapt existing Stage Five or Six units of work to include innovative uses of technology to enhance teaching and learning. Teams were selected from a cross-section of KLAs. Current Schools Wonoona High School Oak Flats High school Narooma High School Bateman’s Bay High School Bega High School Bombala High School Eden Marine high school Moruya High School Monaro High School

14 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI Peer Coaching The Peer Coaching Program, supported by Microsoft Corporation, is a proven methodology for training teacher leaders to serve as peer coaches for their colleagues. Peer coaches help other colleagues in their schools integrate technology into classroom learning activities and improve lesson design by incorporating engaging strategies such as project-based learning. Current Schools Nowra High School Oak Flats High School Warilla High School Dapto high school Wollongong High School Lakelands Public School Bateman’s Bay High School Narooma High School

15 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI Student Technology Leaders This is in direct response to the ISER priority of Student Engagement and Attainment. Currently there are two targeted schools who are receiving funding and support in order to implement the Student Technology LeaDER’s program. This initiative is based on the student Action teams methodology and is also linked to the premiers volunteer program. Schools involved Bowral High School – mentor teacher Natalie Ottens Illawarra Sport High – mentor teacher Mel Steele

16 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI Tools4U Indesign Tools4U Google Earth: Tools4U Digital Editions Ucreate a FlipBook

17 Follow usISER Connected Learning WIKI In groups discuss and list some of the blogs, tools or resources that you use. Alternatively recommend training that you would like.

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