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Nova Scotia CANADA. Nova Scotia Red Spruce, May Flower, Osprey (Bird) Flag Red Spruce, May Flower, Osprey (Bird) Flag.

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Presentation on theme: "Nova Scotia CANADA. Nova Scotia Red Spruce, May Flower, Osprey (Bird) Flag Red Spruce, May Flower, Osprey (Bird) Flag."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nova Scotia CANADA

2 Nova Scotia Red Spruce, May Flower, Osprey (Bird) Flag Red Spruce, May Flower, Osprey (Bird) Flag

3 Facts -flower - the Mayflower, tree -Red Spruce, bird - Osprey -flower - the Mayflower, tree -Red Spruce, bird - Osprey - capital city and largest city is Halifax. -There are 938,310 people living in Nova Scotia.(2008 ) -Over eighty percent are of British ancestry, eighteen percent are of French ancestry -Other groups include German, Dutch, Poles, Ukrainian, Chinese, Scandinavian and native people -In 1784 Nova Scotia was partitioned and the colonies of New Brunswick and Cape Breton Island were created. -In 1867 Nova Scotia became a part of the Dominion of Canada -The province has experienced hurricanes in the late summer. -Cool dry air from the interior mixes with warmer wet air over the sea

4 Water and Land -The province is almost surrounded by water -The province is almost surrounded by water -Much of the province is part of the Appalachian/Maritime Region -Nova Scotia and New Brunswick are connected by a small land bridge (28 km Isthmus of Chignecto).

5 Resources/Industry -The main mineral is coal which is used for making electricity. -The main mineral is coal which is used for making electricity. -Both hardwood and softwood forests cover much of the province -Refineries turn oil into gasoline and other products

6 People and Places -Fishing villages and lighthouses along the coastline attract tourists. -Fishing villages and lighthouses along the coastline attract tourists. -Marconi sent the first official west-to-east wireless ( radio) message across the Atlantic Ocean from Table Head, Cape Breton Island in 1902.

7 Map of Nova Scotia

8 Special places This place can be a historic fort, a monument, or a park. One of Nova Scotia’s best-known historical sites is a sailing ship called bluenose II. It was built in Nova Scotia in was the fastest ship in the world at the time. the bluenose sank in the Caribbean Sea In 1963 This place can be a historic fort, a monument, or a park. One of Nova Scotia’s best-known historical sites is a sailing ship called bluenose II. It was built in Nova Scotia in was the fastest ship in the world at the time. the bluenose sank in the Caribbean Sea In 1963

9 Birds of Prey Nova Scotia is home to variety of wildlife. The province’s official bird is the Osprey. The Osprey is a bird of prey. It flies over lakes, rivers, and bays hunting for fish. When the Osprey sees a fish, it dives feet first into the water. The Osprey rises from the water carrying the fish in its talons, or claws. Ospreys make large nests in treetops. The autumn, ospreys migrate to the Central America, South America, and the southern United States. Nova Scotia is home to variety of wildlife. The province’s official bird is the Osprey. The Osprey is a bird of prey. It flies over lakes, rivers, and bays hunting for fish. When the Osprey sees a fish, it dives feet first into the water. The Osprey rises from the water carrying the fish in its talons, or claws. Ospreys make large nests in treetops. The autumn, ospreys migrate to the Central America, South America, and the southern United States.

10 Symbolic Mace/Staff Nova Scotia has an official mace. A mace is an ornamental stick that is carried as a symbol of authority. It represents the power of the speaker when the government is in session. The government can only conduct business when the mace is present. The mace is always in the care of the sergeant at arms. Nova Scotia’s mace celebrates the province’s Scottish heritage. It has many interesting features. Nova Scotia has an official mace. A mace is an ornamental stick that is carried as a symbol of authority. It represents the power of the speaker when the government is in session. The government can only conduct business when the mace is present. The mace is always in the care of the sergeant at arms. Nova Scotia’s mace celebrates the province’s Scottish heritage. It has many interesting features.

11 Bibliography efurl= - VynOM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmay%2Bflower&hl=en&usg=__We5uwyZeoyRTE6jP3k7l PTesX_8=&ei=9bUeS4dbyeGUB63awIwM&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=7&ct=image&ved=0CCAQ9QEwBg efurl= - VynOM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=113&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmay%2Bflower&hl=en&usg=__We5uwyZeoyRTE6jP3k7l PTesX_8=&ei=9bUeS4dbyeGUB63awIwM&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=7&ct=image&ved=0CCAQ9QEwBg y/Ricketts/Picea/P_mari/pics/P_mari_branch1tn.JPG&imgrefurl=http://dep W4- PjifpJWMDTSig=&h=513&w=684&sz=164&hl=en&start=7&tbnid=PnitxR1 wIoWtSM:&tbnh=104&tbnw=139&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dred%2Bspruce %26hl%3Den 3/open%2Bwing%2Bospery.jpg&imgrefurl= rwIzLrF2_9mpsaGaTU=&h=2089&w=3487&sz=2331&hl=en&start=4&tbnid=_B5xACmY14lyDM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=150&pre v=/images%3Fq%3DOspery%26hl%3Den 3223CABD8A03_files/nova_scotia_flag.jpg&imgrefurl= B3DB-3223CABD8A03.html&usg=__r- z2Y95ofd40UxSbLxIqDbYGhl0=&h=400&w=700&sz=56&hl=en&start=5&um=1&tbnid=po4WSdC34ZSA5M:&t bnh=80&tbnw=140&prev=/images%3Fq%3DNova%2BScotia%2Bflag%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1

12 Bibliography 3Cd2tHiYSqo/s320/novascotia1.jpg&imgrefurl= scotia.html&usg=__N_4dyda0zTQAoD4CAeSvFvouzcE=&h=302&w=300&sz=19&hl=en&start=2&itbs=1&tbnid=V SHUYHVbg2x2dM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnova%2Bscotia%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den 3Cd2tHiYSqo/s320/novascotia1.jpg&imgrefurl= scotia.html&usg=__N_4dyda0zTQAoD4CAeSvFvouzcE=&h=302&w=300&sz=19&hl=en&start=2&itbs=1&tbnid=V SHUYHVbg2x2dM:&tbnh=116&tbnw=115&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dnova%2Bscotia%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den 99/bay-fundy-coastline_26461.jpg&imgrefurl= fundy-scenic-coastline-nova-scotia-canada-26461- pictures.htm&usg=__WZh2lkwBSBQyIBRdoDX97UuRjpA=&h=311&w=468&sz=4 1&hl=en&start=5&itbs=1&tbnid=wuyRJ5IerbNtZM:&tbnh=85&tbnw=128&prev=/im ages%3Fq%3Dnova%2Bscotia%2Bweather%26gbv%3D2%26hl%3Den t_variou/crosby_bluenose.jpg

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