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Hello. 1. How was your spring break? How do you plan on practicing our three goals in the following days? Please bring your books for the remainder of.

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Presentation on theme: "Hello. 1. How was your spring break? How do you plan on practicing our three goals in the following days? Please bring your books for the remainder of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hello. 1. How was your spring break? How do you plan on practicing our three goals in the following days? Please bring your books for the remainder of this course!

2 Welcome Back What to expect for the next weeks. MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday 21 st Intro to Geo Review 22 nd Intro to Geo Review 23 rd Population Review 24 th Population Review 25 th Culture Review US Map Quiz 28 th Culture Review US Map Quiz 29 th Political Organization Review 30 th Political Organization Review 1 st Agriculture Review 2 nd Agriculture Review 5 th Industry and Urban Review 6 th Industry and Urban Review 7 th Blitz Presentations 8 th Blitz presentations 9 th FRQ and Test Strategy 11 th FRQ and Test Strategy 13 th Test Day!!!! Saturday 3 rd study session with me!! Extra credit.

3 Human Geography Two questions Geographers strive to answer 1. Where- Where are people and activities found on Earth? 2. Why- Why are they found there?

4 1. Ratio Ratio Scale- Fractional scale shows the numerical ratio between distances on the map and Earth’s surface. Example below…

5 2. Written Scale Describes relationship between map and Earth distances in words. Example below…

6 3. Graphic Scale Use of symbols, usually bar line, used to show distance on Earths surface. Example below….

7 City  County  State  Region  Country  Continent  World

8 II. Projection Definition- Transferring locations on Earth’s surface to a flat map. 4 types of distortions 1. Shape-Area appears more elongated or shorter than in reality 2. Distance-Distance between two points is disproportionate. 3. Relative size- Alters area to appear larger or smaller then they are in reality. 4. Direction-Direction from one place to another can be incorrect on map.

9 GPS – Global Positioning System Definition- Determines the precise position of areas on Earth 3 Elements: Numerous satellites (remote sensing) Tracking stations (controls the satellites) Receiver (used to pinpoint location

10 GIS – Geographic Information System) Definition- Computer system that can capture, store, analyze, and display geographic data More accurate Can show relationships between different kinds of information http://

11 Graduated Symbol Map

12 Dot Map

13 Choropleth

14 Isoline Map

15 Cartogram

16 Density Definition: How often something occurs in space. High density=something occurs often Note: Large population does not always mean high density. Low density= something occurs rarely Kinds of density Arithmetic density (including population density) Physiological density Agricultural density

17 Arithmetic Density The total number of a certain object in an area Often compares population in different countries Myth: Large population means high population density

18 Physiological Density The number of people per unit of land suitable for agriculture (farming). A high physiological density may mean a country can’t grow enough food to feed its population

19 Agricultural Density Number of farmers per unit of area suitable for agriculture High agricultural density means that most people grow just enough to feed themselves and their families (subsistence farming)

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