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History of Life Ch.14. (14-1) Biogenesis All living things come from other living things –Proved by Pasteur Spontaneous generation: living things arise.

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Presentation on theme: "History of Life Ch.14. (14-1) Biogenesis All living things come from other living things –Proved by Pasteur Spontaneous generation: living things arise."— Presentation transcript:

1 History of Life Ch.14

2 (14-1) Biogenesis All living things come from other living things –Proved by Pasteur Spontaneous generation: living things arise from nonliving things –Ex: maggots from rotting meat

3 Redi’s Experiment

4 Spallanzani’s Experiment

5 Pasteur’s Experiment

6 (14-2) Earth’s History Earth ~4 billion years old –Determined by radiometric dating Early conditions much different than now

7 Miller-Urey Experiment

8 (14-3) Roles of RNA Rybozyme: RNA catalyst found in some unicellular organisms –Promotes own replication –Discovered by Thomas Cech (1980s) RNA also aids in DNA replication & protein synthesis

9 1 st Life Forms Prokaryotes (~3.5 bya): no nucleus, unicellular –Chemosynthetic & anaerobic –Photosynthetic & aerobic Eukaryotes (1.5-2 bya): nucleus, multicellular

10 Endosymbiosis Mutually beneficial relationship b/w 1 organism & another living w/in it


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