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Governments provide information at local and national levels.

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1 Governments provide information at local and national levels

2 Central government - Inland Revenue In some countries governments allow citizens to complete their tax forms online and make payments. Home-Page Income tax records are stored on central databases.

3 Tax Collection and Payment Tax payments can be made using internet banking or using debit and credit cards. Governments also use models to do annual budgets. It uses them to project its revenue and spending. This is also done by local governments.

4 Local Government Local governments in developed countries have their own websites. Services offered include: Bill payments Rentals Council taxes Other information services Visit Individuals can also view information about the local tax that they have paid.

5 Electroral register For individuals to vote they must be resgistered and their names will appear on the electoral register. In Zimbabwe there was an online register for all voters.

6 Issuing of Documents Many governments allow individuals to apply for documents online eg IDs, passports, driving licences etc Refer to page 126 to view the passport application pages. In some cases a number of documents have to be scanned and uploaded online to facilitate the production of IDs Governments prefer this process because it reduces the staff needed for input and processing. It is also faster.


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