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Sounds Interesting Our target is to try to make different sounds.

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Presentation on theme: "Sounds Interesting Our target is to try to make different sounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sounds Interesting Our target is to try to make different sounds.

2 Can you make these sounds? Ch Ttttt Ssssh Ka ka ka Brrrrrr Laaaaaa zoooooom LAAAAAAA!!

3 Can you make the sound different? Try to make the Ch sound in these ways: Slowly Quickly Sadly happily LISTEN!!!

4 Key Words Dynamics – loud, quiet Tempo – fast, slow Pitch – high, low Timbre – quality of the sound e.g. rattling, smooth, scraping etc

5 Dynamic Game “Take the bag and pass it around, Pass it around, pass it around, Take the hat and pass it around, Stop, read, make a sound!”

6 Which dynamic card have they picked? Scrape Rattle Bang Shake Rub Scratch Clatter Jangle Beat Knock crash

7 Now try to play an instrument in a different way! Play angrily Play loudly Play slowly Play quietly Play quickly Play happily

8 Can you think of another way to play your instruments?

9 Let’s play Copy Feet!!!! Make a sound with your feet….. Can your partner make up a situation that it might sound like?

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