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Unit12 Reading You’re supposed to write quickly Do you often chat with others on line? Do you usually use the following emotional expressions( 表情 )?

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2 Unit12 Reading You’re supposed to write quickly

3 Do you often chat with others on line? Do you usually use the following emotional expressions( 表情 )?

4 :):(:<:V:O:):(:<:V:O happy sad really sad shouting shocked/ surprised emoticons ( 有字符组成的图释 ) show the emotion ( 情感 ) we are feeling colon 冒号 bracket 括号

5 Do you usually use abbreviations 缩写, such as: MM, GG. RIDDLES 谜语 PK 555 9494 PK JJWW 886 homophones 同音异义词

6 You’re supposed to write quickly. E-mail English Cooperative learning 合作学习 学习策略 Two brains can usually think better than one, and faster too. To be creative or to learn better, work together with somebody and be inspired by them. Share your ideas. 两个人的能力要比一个人强, 思考问题的 速度要快一些, 学习的效果也会好些. 因此, 和你的朋友合作学习, 分享你的观点. type Learning strategy

7 E-mail English Definition( 定义 ) A new kind of ______________ Function( 作用 ) ________________ Types( 种类 ) ______________, like BTW _____________, like gr8 ________________, like :) When to use At_______________--when e-mailing a friend or sending a message to a friend on a _____________. written English save time abbreviations homophones emoticons the proper time mobile phone Fill in the blanks.

8 1. What is an e-mail English? is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time. It is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time. 2. What does ICQ mean? It means “I seek you”. ICQ is also an e-mail “ chatline ”. 寻找 节约时间 聊天热线

9 E-mail Englishmeaning NPNo problem ICI see = Wait SPSupport tyThank you nvmNever mind : )happy 4everForever a e h a abbreviation 缩写 homophone 同音异义 emoticon 字符图释 h a a e

10 is supposed to be used_______. A. at any time B. when you are e-mailing your friends C. in class D. on a mobile phone E. in tests F. chatting on line

11 Practice Let's challenge 1 2 3 4

12 What do they mean? BTW CUL8r F2F NVM RUOK ASAP CSL IC as soon as possible can’t stop laughing Are you OK? I see. face to face See you later. Never mind. by the way

13 ( ) 1. E-mail English is used a. to have fun b. to save time c. to study faster ( ) 2. WBQ would mean a. with best wishes b. which queue c. write back quickly ( ) 3. “Great” sounds most like a. late b. get c. seat ( ) 4. In e-mail English, punctuation marks are a. normally b. instead of c. to show feelings ( ) 5. E-mail English is supposed to be used a. on mobile phones b. in class c. in tests b c a c a

14 Do these two on your own: 1.I had a great weekend. And you? 2.Oh no ! I am going to be late. My e-mail English ideas Do them with a partner: 3.I have seen that movie four times. It’s great! 4.Excuse me. Could you please help me? Our e-mail English ideas 1.I had a gr8 weekend. And u? 2.Oh no! I’m going 2 b l8. 3.I hv sn that mov 4 times. It’s gr8. 4.Ecus me. Cud u pls help me?

15 Summary Emoticons: Abbreviations: How R U? Ecus me. Cud U pls hp me? F2F ASAP BTW Homophones: IC L8r CUL8r B GR8 4 :) :( :< :V :O

16 E-mail English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time. Remember:

17 E-mail English is supposed to be used_________________. is not supposed to be used_____________. on a mobile phone in class

18 Exercises

19 1.E-mail English mostly uses two______of words. 2.You are supposed to _____ quickly. 3.Your teachers will not be ______ if you write e-mail English in a test. 4.Could you look after my baby? With _______. 5.You can learn it easily by yourselves and _________with your own ideas. 6.We often do chemical( 化学的 )__________in the lab. 7.We are ______out on Sundays. 8.________of us are from Dancheng. 9.After hearing the joke,we can't stop ______. ( 禁不住大笑起来) 10.Yesterday I met my old friend in the street,so I stopped_______(talk) with him. type please experiment most types type pleased pleasure experiment experiments mostly Most laughing to talk

20 Writing Please write a letter to me with e-mail English.

21 Homework After class, please write an e-mail English letter to me. My E-mail address is


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