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Reading Ⅱ By Zuo Rongping Funing Experimental School.

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1 Reading Ⅱ By Zuo Rongping Funing Experimental School

2 What sign is it about? It was held in October 2007. The 12 th Special Olympics World Summer Games The Special Olympics Slogan( 口号 ): I know I can.

3 The Special Olympics World Games Ⅰ. Revision Talk about the main ideas of the paragraphs Para. 1&5 Para. 2 Para. 3 Para. 4 An introduction to the Special Olympics World Games Liu Ming’s feelings about the event What volunteers do for the event Liu Ming’s experience

4 Ⅱ. Important language points All the athletes were born with intellectual disabilities.

5 Nick Nick ________________ arms or legs, but he is active. was born without Don’t forget : When we are in trouble, we should be active.

6 Find and try to use the important points. Read the report and discuss in groups, then find the most important points. Para. 1&2 _____________________________ Para. 3 _____________________________ Para. 4&5 _____________________________

7 Para. 1&2 1.what to expect 2.volunteer for/work as a volunteer 3.the most amazing experience of his life 4.give sb. a chance/give a chance to sb. 5.similar to 6.It’s fantastic to work as a volunteer. Many_____ ( volunteer)_____ (volunteer) ____( help )those special athletes last year.

8 Para. 1&2 What does “it” refer( 指 ) in the sentence “Now he thinks it was the most amazing experience of his life”? Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games.

9 (adj.) 相似的 These events are similar to those in the Olympics. 翻译下列句子 1. 我的手表和你的相似。 2. 这两块手表在颜色方面相似 be similar to… 与 …… 相似 / 相仿 be similar in… 在 …… 方面相似 My watch is similar to yours The two watches are similar in colour

10 Para. 3 1. give up their spare time 2. receive training 3. provide support for the athletes 4. make the event a great success 5. It was necessary for these volunteers to receive training before doing the tasks. give up doing sth. give it (them) up

11 If you want to achieve success, you need a spirit ( 精神 ) of. “Never give up”

12 Para. 3 1. give up their spare time 2. receive training 3. provide support for the athletes 4. make the event a great success 5. It was necessary for these volunteers to receive training before doing the tasks. successful give up doing sth. give it (them) up

13 Para. 4&5 1. bring people together 2. from different backgrounds 3. work closely with 4. achieve their dreams 5. To Li Hai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part.

14 achieve their dreams If we provide more support for the athletes, their dreams will. (vt.) 实现,达到 If we provide more support for the athletes, they will / their dreams. come true achieverealize

15 It was very brave of him to join the competition. It was necessary for these volunteers to receive training. It was great for us to work closely with these special athletes. It + is/was + adj. + for sb. to do sth. of sb. to do sth. It is fantastic to work as a volunteer. ﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏ ﹏﹏﹏ for him It’s kind _____ Liu Ming to help Li Hai. It’s important _____ us students to learn English well. for of Sum up the structure

16 Many people with intellectual disabilities need our help. The Special Olympics World Games give them a c to show their skills to the world. Some of us e to volunteer for the events. The events are s to those in the Olympics. We need to g up our spare time. It’s n ________for us to receive training before doing the tasks. We help make the event s________. It’s b ________of athletes to join the competition. They feel more c__________than before. It’s great for us to work c________ with these special atheletes. We’ll try our best to help them a_______ heir dreams. Fill in the blanks 5 6 ecessary 10 8 onfident 9 losely chieve 4 3 1 ive hance 2 xpect imilar 7 uccessful rave

17 Please say something about The Special Olympics World Games according to the key words. The Special Olympics World Games give ….a chance …. include …. similar to…. bring …. make ….feel like …. help ….achieve …. Ⅲ. Practice

18 Discuss in groups and write down your ideas. What can we do to help people in need? Ⅳ. Discussion

19 Unit 6 If everyone gives his help to the people in need, the world will be full of sunshine for all No matter what terrible difficulties you are facing, I know I can

20 Write an application letter to the Special Olympics World Games using the following useful expressions. 志愿者注册网站:

21 Thanks for your listening!

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