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Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Rural and remote populations Image source: Area.

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Presentation on theme: "Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Rural and remote populations Image source: Area."— Presentation transcript:

1 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Rural and remote populations Image source: Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health

2 Defining rural and remote Populations  Approximately 70% of Australians live in metropolitan areas (urban)  Approximately 26% of the population live in regional centres  Only about 3% of the population live in remote areas of Australia Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health

3 Characteristics Compared with urban populations, Australians living in rural and remote centres experience the following:  Lower life expectancy  Higher rates of morbidity (illness) and mortality (death)  Higher rates of CVD, T2DM, some cancers (particularly lung cancer) and obesity (particularly in women)  Higher rates of mental health conditions such as depression and suicide (particularly men and youth) Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health

4 Characteristics cont …  Higher rates of communicable disease  Higher morbidity and mortality across all age groups as a result of accidents  Higher incidence of dental caries in children and adolescents  Higher rates of maternal mortality. Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health

5 The population? A characteristic of rural and remote populations is the high number of Indigenous Australians that live there. Indigenous Australians make up to 2.4% of our population, but they comprise 24% of the population in remote areas and 45% in very remote areas. Therefore the level of health status can frequently be related to indigenous health issues.

6 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Social determinants Environment All levels of environment help to explain the difference in health status for populations in rural and remote areas. Image source:

7 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Social determinants cont … Physical environment  Access to fresh, healthy food  Increased exposure to risk factors such as workplace and farming injuries  Increased morbidity and mortality from motor vehicle accidents Image source: Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health

8 Social determinants cont … Physical environment  Access to health care facilities  Increased incidence of skin cancers due to sun exposure  Impact of phenomenon such as drought and flood Image source:

9 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Social Determinants cont… Social and economic environment  Education Rates of school completion are lower  Employment Rural and remote areas have higher rates of unemployment as well as reduced opportunities for skilled and professional employment  Reduced opportunities for employment results in lower household income Image source:

10 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Social determinants cont … Social environment  Higher rates of social isolation and lack of social support and connectedness. Image source:

11 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Social determinants cont … Political environment  Access to health care facilities  Funding for health care facilities  Health promotion aimed at rural and remote populations Image source:

12 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Behavioural determinants There are numerous behavioural factors that account for the difference in health status for rural and remote populations. Some of these include:  Low levels of physical activity  Increased consumption of alcohol Image source:

13 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Behavioural determinants cont …  High risk recreational pursuits  High risk driving behaviours  Higher rates of smoking Image source: Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health

14 Biological determinants People in Rural and Remote areas were slightly more likely to be overweight or obese than those living in metropolitan areas.

15 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Strategies Beyond Blue ‘Don’t Beat about the Bush!’  Raise awareness of depression  Provide opportunities for knowledge  Encourage people to seek support and assistance  Provide support and assistance  Drought awareness bus

16 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Strategies cont … Desert acrobats  One-week workshop in gymnastics, sport, contemporary dance, traditional Aboriginal dance and performance  Promotes physical activity amongst rural and remote youth  Promotes self-esteem and confidence  Builds resilience Image source:

17 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Strategies cont… Coming home  A careers strategy aimed at Year 10 students  Promotion of careers in the areas of health (nursing, dietetics, social work etc)  Encourages rural and remote youth to move away for study, then return ‘home’ to implement health promotion strategies  Dual purpose:  Addresses shortage of health professionals in rural areas  Increases employment opportunities and increase SES

18 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Strategies  Farm health and injury toolkit  ‘First Aid for Farmers’  Computer and internet lesson for aged citizens to minimise feelings of isolation Image source:

19 Area of study 1: Understanding Australia’s health Unit 3: Australia’s health Revise Use the determinants of health to explain the health status of rural and remote populations in Australia. Image source:

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