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Rosh Hashanah Brecht,Lucas,Regina. What Is Rosh Hashanah? Rosh Hashanah is the start of the New Year.The begnning of Rosh Hashanah is at sundown at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Rosh Hashanah Brecht,Lucas,Regina. What Is Rosh Hashanah? Rosh Hashanah is the start of the New Year.The begnning of Rosh Hashanah is at sundown at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rosh Hashanah Brecht,Lucas,Regina

2 What Is Rosh Hashanah? Rosh Hashanah is the start of the New Year.The begnning of Rosh Hashanah is at sundown at the end of the 29 of September.Rosh Hasanah commonly known as Jewish New Year.

3 Rosh Hashanah Celebration And Meaning Rosh Hashanah means the head or start of the New Year.Rosh Hasanah is celebrated by having a lot of food and sometimes fireworks.But when the Nazis came the food was limited and no more fireworks.

4 Description Rosh Hashanah In the 7th month on the 1st of the month there shall be a sabbath for you,a rememberance which shofar blasts a holy convection. Also the Jewish New Year is similar to the American New Year because they use it to make resolutions.

5 History Of Rosh Hasanah The name Rosh Hasanah is not used in the bible to discuss this holiday.The bible refers to the holiday as Yom Zikkaron the day of rememberance or Yom Tetuah the of the sounding shofar. Even though the theme of Rosh Hashanah is life and death it is a holiday filled with hope.

6 Rosh Hasanah Customs And Traditions Rosh Hashanahs mix of meaning Gods coordination world wide Judgement Day. The jews jumble together for a sweet serious holiday whose customs mix the joy of Gods Rulership and the seriousness of passing Muslar and being decribed for a new year.


8 Where We Found Our Information We found it from wikipedia, mazor guide, and

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