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Hurricane Survey. Socioeconomic profile Are you aware of seasonal forecast? Yes68% No29% DK/NR 2%

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Presentation on theme: "Hurricane Survey. Socioeconomic profile Are you aware of seasonal forecast? Yes68% No29% DK/NR 2%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hurricane Survey

2 Socioeconomic profile

3 Are you aware of seasonal forecast? Yes68% No29% DK/NR 2%

4 What is the forecast? Less Active 4% More Active54% Normal10% DK/NR32%

5 Source of Information TV 73% Channel 23, 7,4,6,Weather Newspaper22% Radio20% Brochure 1% Web 7% Friend 18%

6 Other results Average residence 12 years Hurricanes begin in June, end in Nov (n=25) 60% believe scientists can predict number and 50% believe they can predict intensity (n=25) 23 of 27 prepared for a past hurricane People fear crime #1, traffic accidents #2, hurricanes #3, global warming #4

7 Other results - II Majority (14 of 19) think hurricanes hit Florida once or twice a year Of 19 people, 9 mention La Nina as cause of variations and several global warming 50% of 26 are preparing for this season mainly by storing food and water, 9 said the forecast influenced their decision to prepare

8 Residency and awareness

9 Aware of hurricane forecast?

10 Forecast for this season?

11 Aware of seasonal forecast ?

12 Seasonal forecast ?

13 Education and forecast awareness

14 Other results Tables

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