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Vocabulary Chapters 1-8. Lurched – a sudden leaning or roll to one side The bus lurched when the driver put on the brakes suddenly.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Chapters 1-8. Lurched – a sudden leaning or roll to one side The bus lurched when the driver put on the brakes suddenly."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Chapters 1-8

2 Lurched – a sudden leaning or roll to one side The bus lurched when the driver put on the brakes suddenly.

3 Kimono – a loose garment held in place by a sash worn by Japanese men and women Sai Fong brought a silk kimono to Mario to wear at the Chinese dinner party.

4 Leery – suspicious or wary The police was leery of the burglary suspect’s story and did not believe him.

5 Sheen – brightness, luster The musician polished his trumpet until it had a bright golden sheen.

6 Wistfully – Longing, yearning The woman wistfully looked at the hamburger that was NOT on her diet.

7 Soot – a black substance in the smoke from burning coal, oil, word, etc. After cleaning the fireplace, the boy had soot all over his hands.

8 Peril – chance of harm or danger The swimmer knew he was in great peril when he saw the shark’s fin in the water.

9 Thrum- play on a stringed instrument by plucking the strings The boy carefully thrummed out the pleasing tune on his violin.

10 Section 2 Ch 1-8 (continued) Pivot Unsavory Gilded Subside Amidst Haunches Scornfully

11 Pivot – a point, shaft or pin that something turns on The fan’s blades turned on a central pivot pin.

12 Unsavory – unpleasant in taste or smell The skunk left an unsavory smell behind.

13 Gilded – Cover with a thin layer of gold The winner of the race received a gilded trophy.

14 Subside – grow less, die down, become less active After the hurricane passed, the winds subsided, and everything was calm and still.

15 Amidst – in the middle of, among The bunny hid amidst the grass and flowers in the garden.

16 Haunches – the hindquarters of an animal The squirrel sat still on his haunches.

17 Scornfully – showing contempt: mocking; full of scorn The home team looked scornfully at their opponents because they knew they would win.

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