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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME TO 5 TH GRADE MRS. AMANDA CARRUTHERS DISCOVERY ELEMENTARY ROOM 236."— Presentation transcript:



3 M EET M RS. C ARRUTHERS o BA from The University of Tulsa o MA from University of Missouri Kansas City o Taught in Oklahoma, Florida, Missouri and Kansas o Moved to Northern Virginia in 2006 o PTO President, Girl Scout Leader, substitute teacher o This would be my 21 th year as a teacher o Hobbies include anything related to my family, reading cookbooks, cruising in my dad’s convertible, baking, playing with my dog Sadie, singing, and scrapbooking o My husband is Scott, and we have two amazing girls, Olivia and Amelia o My favorite color is PINK!!

4 W EBSITE Please visit our 5 th grade website and my personal website. I will post information regarding homework, tests, and upcoming events daily.

5 C URRICULUM AND SOL T ESTING Curriculum guides outlining the SOL standards for 5 th grade can be found at – click on the Academics tab and choose Elementary Curriculum Guides. Standards of Learning (SOL) Testing o Reading, Math and Science SOL assessments in May o Science will consist of 4 th and 5 th grade concepts o We will not have a writing SOL this year!

6 A TTENDANCE If your student is ill or unable to attend school due to an appointment please call the attendance line at 571-252-2371 or email our attendance secretary, Diane Allen at The number of excused days absent will be the number of days allowed to make up the missed assignments. Students are expected to be in the classroom ready to learn by 7:45 – the tardy bell rings at 7:50

7 H OMEWORK o Homework is the opportunity to review skills from class o Students are expected to read for twenty minutes and practice math facts every night. o Homework should not take more than 45-60 minutes to complete (exceptions may occur). This includes 20 minutes of reading each night! o Students are not allowed to call home for missing assignments

8 S TUDENT R ESPONSIBILITIES Students should complete homework assignments every night as neatly and correctly as they can. All assignments should be completed in pencil, unless assigned otherwise. All work should be completed and turned in by the due date. Students will utilize their agendas to record assignments, tests, projects, and use it as a reference when completing work at home.

9 G UIDED MATH What is Guided Math? A framework for instruction, enrichment and intervention Why are we using Guided Math? It is a flexible model that combines direct instruction, student centers, guided practice, all in a “numeracy rich” environment What are the benefits of Guided Math? Developing strong problem solving strategies Allows for differentiated instruction per skill or task Builds students’ ability to see multiple ways of solving a problem Allows for a more collaborative math environment Teachers are given more opportunities for meaningful assessment


11 A CADEMICS – B ALANCED L ITERACY We will be following the “Writer’s Workshop” and “Reader’s Workshop” model English/Language Arts is embedded into both workshops Each student is required to keep a Reading Response Journal, Writing Journal, Language Arts Interactive Notebook, and Word Study Notebook Read at home too – 20 minutes per night

12 S CIENCE AND S OCIAL S TUDIES Science Earth Science, Life Science, and Physical Science topics SOL in May covers both 4th and 5th grade concepts Social Studies Regions of the United States States, capitals, and abbreviations

13 T ESTS AND Q UIZZES Dates for quizzes and tests will be listed in student agendas and on my website. We will do reviews in class the day before a test or quiz. We are working on building independent study skills at home as well. Specific information to be studied will be highlighted in notes and included in study guides.

14 G RADING Students will receive assignments throughout the week. Be sure to check your child’s Thursday Folder and the Parent Portal. Students will be receiving effort grades in all subject areas, including homework! 14 Grading Key: A = Outstanding B = Very Good C = Satisfactory D = Needs Improvement F = Not Performing Progress Indicators: 4 = Exceeds Standard 3 = Meets Standard 2 = Progressing Toward Standard 1 = Below Standard O = Outstanding S = Satisfactory N = Needs Improvement Students will receive effort grades in all subject areas, including homework!

15 One to the World is an instructional initiative that addresses what an LCPS graduate should know and be able to do. This instructional approach focuses on significant content, and important competencies and the joy of teaching and learning. Through One to the World, LCPS leverages technology with a clear vision for how it can support teaching and learning in Loudoun County Public Schools. More information is available on our website and at an upcoming Parent Information Night.


17 C LASSROOM R ULES Respect yourself and others – ALWAYS Be Honest Use kind words and a kind voice Help each other Work hard and try your best Take care of our classroom

18 B EHAVIOR M ANAGEMENT In 5 th grade, students will earn classroom incentives. These are based upon students meeting behavioral and academic expectations. Discovery is a PBIS school (Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports) As the quarter progresses and students are adjusting to their routines, we will introduce the Fun Friday classroom incentive

19 T ERIFFIC T UESDAY Beginning in October, the 5 th grade teachers will stay until 3:30 on Tuesdays to offer homework help for our 5 th graders! If you would like your student to stay, you must WRITE a note or send in an e-mail indicating your student may stay. o If your student stays, we ask you pick them up PROMPTLY at 3:30 pm in the bus loop!

20 Discovery is a P ositive B ehavioral I nterventions and S upport School Creates a positive climate for learning Common language and expectations -Respectful -Responsible -Ready to Learn

21 Helps kids to see how others view their behaviors Helps define expected behaviors in the classroom Common language SUPERFLEX: SOCIAL THINKING

22 C ARRUTHERS ’ C HARACTER $ Student finance system that will allow students the following opportunities: Managing and entering “money” earned in a personal checkbook register Being a responsible classroom citizen by paying rent and school fees out of their account Pride in earning money for their account / understanding consequences for choices made that will result in money deducted from their account Participating in a mid year / end of year celebratory auction where they can purchase items with their hard – earned money

23 C OMMUNICATION Each Thursday students will receive a folder containing information that will need to be reviewed Parents will need to sign the folder and return to school on Friday Please check the 5 th grade website and my personal site for current information If you need to speak to me, please call the school number and leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible E-mail :

24 5 TH G RADE E VENTS AND DARE 5 th Grade Events Team building field trip Class lunches in the courtyard End of year celebration Academic Achievement Awards 5 th Grade Promotion DARE Drug Awareness and Resistance Education Taught by Loudoun County Deputy DARE Essay DARE Graduation in May

25 SNACKS Please send in a healthy snack with your student each day. We do have peanut allergies in our classroom, so please be careful of the snacks you are sending. Please make sure your student has a water bottle each day.





30 Thank you for joining us at Back to School Night!


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