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By Hon. Dr. Wykeham McNeill XX Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High- Level Authorities of Tourism (September 12 - 13, 2012 – Quito, Ecuador) OAS.

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Presentation on theme: "By Hon. Dr. Wykeham McNeill XX Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High- Level Authorities of Tourism (September 12 - 13, 2012 – Quito, Ecuador) OAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Hon. Dr. Wykeham McNeill XX Inter-American Congress of Ministers and High- Level Authorities of Tourism (September 12 - 13, 2012 – Quito, Ecuador) OAS Congress 9/12-13/20121

2 TOURISM IN JAMAICA Jamaica - a Caribbean island ideal for tourism Since 1960’s accelerated development in a largely unplanned manner 2000 – Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism Development Consultative Process OAS Congress 9/12-13/20122

3 JAMAICA’S - SUSTAINABILITY INITIATIVE In Master Plan for Sustainable Tourism 2002- Five Main Elements: 1. Growth based on a sustainable market position. 2. Enhancing the visitor experience. 3. Community based development. 4. An inclusive industry. 5. Environmental sustainability. OAS Congress 9/12-13/20123

4 1. GROWTH BASED ON A SUSTAINABLE MARKET POSITION MARKETING: Diversify Source Markets Develop sub-segments – health, sports AIRLIFT INVESTMENTS - Local and FDI OAS Congress 9/12-13/20124

5 2. ENHANCING VISITOR EXPERIENCE Enhancing the Physical Infrastructure – Airports, Highways, Water Supply, Sewage Systems Product Diversification – shifted focus towards health and wellness, natural, cultural, and built heritage Incentives for Attractions Development Resort Upgrading Programmes – beautification, Creation of public spaces Tourism Enhancement Fund OAS Congress 9/12-13/20125

6 3. COMMUNITY BASED DEVELOPMENT A Community Tourism Policy and Strategy document has been developed to provide a structured framework for Community Tourism and to facilitate bottom up planning. Resort Boards that give a voice to resort communities Rural Enterprises Development Project (REDI) – Funded by World Bank. To improve market access for micro and small scale tourism product providers (good ideas). OAS Congress 9/12-13/20126

7 4. AN INCLUSIVE INDUSTRY Tourism as an engine of growth is reflected through the creation of linkages with other related economic activities – Agriculture Manufacturing Entertainment Craft Development Transportation OAS Congress 9/12-13/20127

8 5. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY Mandatory Environmental Impact Assessments for tourism developments. North East Coast Development Plan South Coast Development Plan These include carrying capacities, housing, social infrastructure, land use guidelines. OAS Congress 9/12-13/20128

9 OUTCOMES 10 Years later: Improved physical infrastructure Increase in room stock - by approx. 8000 rooms Significant Increase in the number of attractions Increase in visitor arrivals from 1.2Mil. t0 approx. 2Mil. Cruise Arrivals from 800,000 to 1.2 Mil. Increase in direct employment by over 15, 000 Increase in visitor spend from $1.2B to $2B OAS Congress 9/12-13/20129

10 GOING FORWARD Update Master Plan Greater opportunities for linkages due to economies of scale created Greater focus on environmental management Stronger focus on communities More in-depth look at how the workers benefit from tourism: Pension Housing Training Opportunities OAS Congress 9/12-13/201210

11 GOING FORWARD Cont’d. Stronger Cultural identification in definition of Brand Jamaica – Reggae Music – Bob Marley Cuisine – Jerk, Blue Mountain Coffee Sports – Usain Bolt, Museum, etc Untapped Heritage sites – Port Royal, Falmouth, Spanish Town We can agree that no one has the perfect formula for raising a child but we each can learn from our shared experiences. OAS Congress 9/12-13/201211

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