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Coastal Brownfields: At the Water’s Edge Panel: Waterfront Revitalization and Marine Transportation.

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal Brownfields: At the Water’s Edge Panel: Waterfront Revitalization and Marine Transportation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal Brownfields: At the Water’s Edge Panel: Waterfront Revitalization and Marine Transportation

2 New York State Department of State Division of Coastal Resources George E. Pataki Governor Randy A. Daniels, Secretary of State


4 Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program Purpose Establishes a blueprint for action. Concentrates on special areas. Relies on partnerships with communities.

5 Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program


7 Long Island Sound Redevelopment Area Glen Cove and Hempstead Harbor

8 Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program


10 Long Island Sound Coastal Management Program Waterfront Redevelopment Areas Redevelop deteriorated areas and revitalize communities. Provide new uses and businesses. Use existing infrastructure. Increase recreational opportunities and waterfront access.

11 Long Island Sound Maritime Center Glen Cove and Hempstead Harbor

12 Glen Cove Waterfront Adverse Conditions Blight and highly contaminated land Abandoned manufacturing structures Crumbling waterfront infrastructure Hazardous conditions for commercial and recreational vessels

13 Glen Cove Waterfront Adverse Conditions

14 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Area Sectors


16 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Agency Partners City of Glen Cove - Mayor’s Office - Community Development Agency - Harbor Master’s Office - Planning and Zoning Board - Department of Public Works - Glen Cove Reclamation Committee Nassau County - Department of Health - Community Development Agency - Department of Public Works

17 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Agency Partners State Agencies - NYS Department of State - NYS Department of Environmental Conservation - NYS Department of Health - NYS Department of Transportation - NYS Office of Parks - NYS Empire Development Corporation - NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation Federal Agencies - US Department of Commerce - US Army Corps of Engineers - US Environmental Protection Agency - US Housing and Urban Development

18 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Interagency Workshops Address several important issues. Coordinate government agency participation. Enlist technical and financial assistance. Identify next steps and responsible entity.

19 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Catalyst and Blueprint for Action Area-wide planning approach to brownfields Thorough analysis of existing conditions Economic analysis to justify future land use Land use and zoning recommendations Infrastructure improvements Transportation improvements Environmental improvements

20 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Accomplishments Achieve short-term accomplishments necessary to build public support and confidence for the plan. Work toward achieving long-term goals while achieving short-term successes.

21 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Way Finding Signs

22 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Garvies Point Boat Launch

23 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Garvies Point Boat Launch

24 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Tall Ships Festival

25 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Mill Pond Restoration

26 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Mill Pond Restoration

27 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Captain’s Cove Pedestrian/Bike Path


29 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Private Sector Investment


31 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Interim Use of a Brownfield Site Temporary Ferry Terminal

32 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Interim Use of a Brownfield Site Ferry Loading Dock

33 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Major Accomplishments - Acquired Captain’s Cove and Li Tungsten. - Completed remediation and clean-up of Captain’s Cove and have entered into an agreement with Glen Isle developers to develop the site. - Dredged the Federal Navigation Channel. - Secured $1.2 million to design permanent ferry terminal.

34 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Redevelopment Agreement Signed for Captain’s Cove - Sector 2

35 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Major Accomplishments - Acquired Captain’s Cove and Li Tungsten. - Completed remediation and clean-up of Captain’s Cove and have entered into an agreement with Glen Isle developers to develop the site. - Dredged one third of the Federal Navigation Channel. - Secured $1.2 million to design permanent ferry terminal.

36 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Federal Navigation Channel

37 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program State Funding Secured Master Plan - $147,000 - Department of State Boat Ramp & Pump-out - $98,000 - Departments of State, Environmental Conservation Mill Pond - $770,000 - Departments of Transportation, State, Environmental Conservation Bike Path (Phases 1 &2) - $4.5 million - Departments of Transportation and State Dredging (testing of sediment) - $500,000 - Department of Environmental Conservation Bulkhead - $500,000 - Department of Environmental Conservation Ferry Terminal - $1.2 million - Department of Transportation Captain’s Cove Remediation - $3.9 million - Department of Environmental Conservation Sewage Treatment Plant - $3.8 million - Department of Environmental Conservation Road Improvements - $7.7 million - Department of Transportation

38 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Federal Funding Secured Master Plan and Workshops - $135,000 - US Department of Commerce Land Acquisition - $6 million loan - US Housing and Urban Development Dredging - $1 million - US Army Corps of Engineers Brownfields Remediation - $2.75 million - US Environmental Protection Agency and US Housing and Urban Development Wetlands - $10,000 - US Environmental Protection Agency

39 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Coastal America Partnership Award “Partners to Revitalize Glen Cove’s Waterfront” Brownfields Showcase Community by the US EPA

40 Regional Context - Provides the broad picture - Identify and establish clear priorities - Concentrate limited resources

41 City of Glen Cove Local Waterfront Revitalization Program Having a clear vision for future use An action oriented implementation strategy Implementing short term projects to build confidence and support Establishing partnerships and leveraging resources Involving and engaging the public Local leadership as the plan’s primary sponsor

42 Brownfields - Inventory, describe and establish priorities - Define future/intended land uses - Remedial actions based on intended use

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