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American Society of Civil Engineers gave the US infrastructure a grade of D+ in 2013 and a $3.6 Trillion Estimate for 6 years for the USA to fix it

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Presentation on theme: "American Society of Civil Engineers gave the US infrastructure a grade of D+ in 2013 and a $3.6 Trillion Estimate for 6 years for the USA to fix it"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Society of Civil Engineers gave the US infrastructure a grade of D+ in 2013 and a $3.6 Trillion Estimate for 6 years for the USA to fix it http://www.infrastructurer Slot 2 = “Infrastructure” Should we follow their  advice? Defend your pick

2 Analyze the political changes that take place from 1824 to 1828 Evaluate the events that took place in the Election of 1824 Analyze the Presidency of John Quincy Adams

3 Pol/Soc “Feelings” for the past 8 years? Pol/Soc “Feelings” for the past 8 years?  –What has to happen politically? What policies impacted the USA?What policies impacted the USA? –Think Geographic (3) What problems are growing? (2)What problems are growing? (2)

4 Adams and TJ both die Friends again in their later years… Importance? Is it the 4 th yet? Thomas Jefferson survives


6 Andrew Jackson  –“Hero” of 1812 –Candidate of the Common Man William  Crawford –Sec of War and Sec of Treasury –Early front- runner Henry  Clay –Speaker of House –Kentucky John Q.  Adams –Sec of State –Like father like son!

7 What’s in it?What’s in it? –High Protective Tariff… –Keep 2 nd BUS –Internal Improvements… What inspired it?What inspired it? –War of 1812… –Hamilton’s $$ Plan…


9 Check your yellow sheets House of Reps now decides –Many dreaded this part of the Electoral College (Hamilton) –Clay predicted this ending Top 3 move on –12 th Amd WAIT… Clay is important now!!! –He runs the House of Reps! Crawford has a stroke, so he’s “out”

10 1.Adams (truly) supported Clay’s “American System” 2.Clay HATED Andrew Jackson –“I cannot believe that killing 2,500 Englishmen at New Orleans qualifies for the various, difficult, and complicated duties of the Chief Magistracy.” (1824)



13 Adams appoints Clay as his Secretary of State Jackson accused both men of making a… –Did they? Looks like it, but there is no proof. Jackson resigns from Senate and goes back to TN to plot his revenge (Election of 1828) Corrupt Bargain!

14 1824 was a new kind of Presidential Election –saw a more “democratic” election process where more men (which?) could vote “Common Men”…without property (free blacks in North) “The People’s” 2 nd choice beat their 1 st choice… Henry Clay vs John Randolph Duel –  “shines & stinks like rotten mackerel by moonlight”

15 2000 George W. Bush (R) 47.9

16 Little Accomplished –What kind of guy do  you think he is? Cold + Stiff = Unpopular Swam Potomac River every morning naked –America did not see him as the legit Prez

17 Plan = Use Federal Revenue to pay forPlan = Use Federal Revenue to pay for –Roads, Canals, Post Offices, “etc.” Why do it? (PERSIAGM)Why do it? (PERSIAGM) Why were some against it?Why were some against it? How much got accomplished?How much got accomplished? –Everything but “etc.” –Jacksonian Dems in Congress blocked most of the plan

18 Who wants revenge? –Jackson –Common Man


20 “S” words“S” words Should stay out of the way as much as possibleShould stay out of the way as much as possible Common man…mostly southern & western farmers but also northeast mechanicsCommon man…mostly southern & western farmers but also northeast mechanics  “L” words  “L” words Should lead the country (American System!) and unite itShould lead the country (American System!) and unite it Middle class professionals and elite mostly from the NortheastMiddle class professionals and elite mostly from the Northeast

21 The following names were thrown from one campaign team to the other…The following names were thrown from one campaign team to the other…




25 Revenge was sweet for Revenge was sweet for  –Why? Common man matters more now in electionsCommon man matters more now in elections –1824 = 356K –1828 = 1.1 Million


27 Election of 1828 “kills” her –Stress from mudslinging ruined her health –Died before Jackson inaugurated Jackson vengeful for rest of his life –At whom?

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