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DAILY 5 Whitman Elementary 2014-2015. WHAT IS THE DAILY 5? The Daily 5 is a literacy framework that provides differentiated instruction that is consistent.

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Presentation on theme: "DAILY 5 Whitman Elementary 2014-2015. WHAT IS THE DAILY 5? The Daily 5 is a literacy framework that provides differentiated instruction that is consistent."— Presentation transcript:

1 DAILY 5 Whitman Elementary 2014-2015

2 WHAT IS THE DAILY 5? The Daily 5 is a literacy framework that provides differentiated instruction that is consistent each day  It is a combination of literacy instruction and classroom management  It is a system of 5 literacy tasks that teaches independence

3  Deliver whole group lessons daily  Teach several small group lessons each day  Confer with individual students each day  Hold students accountable to keep eyes on their texts  Engage in the acts of reading and writing for extended amounts of time  Receive instruction on how to remain focused and building independence  Receive support through whole group, small group and one on one meetings with the teacher TEACHER AND STUDENT ROLES Teacher Student

4 RESEARCH SHOWS…  In order to become better readers and writers, one must simply read and write more often!  We are taught to teach 80% of the time and allow the students to practice 20%  In reality it should be flipped. Just like in sports we have to practice the skill before getting better

5 THE DAILY 5 IS A…  Task 5 tasks  System Teaching independency  Structure Providing consistency

6 THE DAILY 5 IS NOT… A curriculum, it’s a structure/ framework!

7 AGE/TIME  It is proven that the age of the student is equivalent to the number of minutes of direct instruction that will stick within the upper cortex  6 years old- 6 minutes,  10 years old-10minutes.

8 LESSON STRUCTURE  Short periods of whole group instruction followed by alternating rotations of Daily 5  Direct instruction is brief and to the point

9 THE DAILY 5 1.) Read to self 2.) Read to someone 3.) Word work 4.) Work on writing 5.) Listen to Read

10 EARNING TRUST AND PROVIDING CHOICE  Trusting students is the underlying factor of what makes Daily 5 work  When trust is combined with explicit instruction, students acquire the skills necessary to become independent learners  Providing choice is motivating and will improve learning skills Purpose + Choice = Motivaton

11 GOOD FIT BOOKS  According to research, an independent- level or a good-fit book is one that a child can read with 99% accuracy  In Daily 5 students are directed to 1.) Choose a book that is at level 2.) Choose a book that is of interest 3.) Give a purpose for reading

12 I-PICK  I choose a book  P urpose- why I do I want to read it?  I nterest- Does it interest me?  C omprehend- Am I remembering what I have read?  K now- I know most of the words

13 BOOK BOXES/BAGS * Each child is provided a book box or bag What is inside? 1.) 5-10 good-fit books, 1 or 2 challenge or choice books 2.) A writing journal and a pencil 3.) Word work packets or worksheets


15 READ TO SOMEONE  Students will either partner up and read, or read with a teacher for assessment purposes.

16 WORD WORK Students at this time will practice high frequency words or the TSI sight words

17 WORK ON WRITING  An opportunity for students to practice writing whether it is formal or informal, the child will have a variety of writing choices throughout the week.  Letters  Stories  Expository  Research  Note taking


19 LISTEN TO READ  At this time, the student has an opportunity to listen to a book on tape or on a computer where text is read to them.  Students will follow along while practicing tracking


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