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CPUC Public Agenda 3254 Thursday, May 20, 2010, 10:00 a.m. 505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco Commissioners: Michael R. Peevey Dian M. Grueneich John A. Bohn.

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Presentation on theme: "CPUC Public Agenda 3254 Thursday, May 20, 2010, 10:00 a.m. 505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco Commissioners: Michael R. Peevey Dian M. Grueneich John A. Bohn."— Presentation transcript:

1 CPUC Public Agenda 3254 Thursday, May 20, 2010, 10:00 a.m. 505 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco Commissioners: Michael R. Peevey Dian M. Grueneich John A. Bohn Timothy Alan Simon Nancy E. Ryan

2 Public Comment Any member of the public who wishes to address the CPUC about matters before the Commission, must first sign up with the Public Advisor before the meeting begins. Once called, at the discretion of the President of the CPUC, each speaker has up to 2 minutes. A sign will be posted when 1 minute remains. A bell will ring when time has expired. The following items are NOT subject to Public Comment:  Item: 14, 20, 29  All items on the Closed Session Agenda

3 Agenda Changes Items shown on the Consent Agenda will be taken up and voted on as a group in one of the first items of business of each CPUC meeting. Items on Today’s Consent Agenda are: 1, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38 & 39. Any Commissioner, with consent of the other Commissioners, may request an item from the Regular Agenda be moved to the Consent Agenda prior to the meeting. Item: None from the Regular Agenda has been added to the Consent Agenda. Any Commissioner may request an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion on the Regular Agenda prior to the meeting. Item: None have been moved to the Regular Agenda. Items: 37, 46 & 51 have been withdrawn. The following items have been held to future Commission Meetings: Held to 6/3/10: 2, 3, 6, 18, 40, 41, 44, 45, 48, 55 & 56 Held to 6/24/10: 4, 5 & 16

4 Regular Agenda Each item on the Regular Agenda (and its alternate if any) will be introduced by the assigned Commissioner or CPUC staff and discussed before it is moved for a vote. For each agenda item, a summary of the proposed action is included on the agenda; the CPUC’s decision may, however, differ from that proposed. The complete text of every Proposed Decision or Draft Resolution is available for download on the CPUC’s website: Late changes to agenda items are available on the Escutia Table.

5 Regular Agenda – Energy Orders Item #42 [9454] Modification of Decision 05-12-041 R03-10-003 Order Instituting Rulemaking to Implement Portions of Assembly Bill 117 Concerning Community Choice Aggregation. Ratesetting Comr Peevey/ALJ Yacknin --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED OUTCOME: Modifies Decision 05-12-041 to make it clear that, if utilities engage in misrepresentations regarding community choice aggregations (CCAs) and CCA programs, they may be liable for penalties and subject to a temporary restraining order or preliminary injunction in a complaint before the Commission; and to prohibit the utilities from offering alternative opt-out mechanisms than those identified in the CCA-specific information provided by the CCA pursuant to Resolution E-4250. Confirms that Resolution E-4250 prohibits utilities from soliciting or accepting opt-out requests until the CCA-specific information about the terms and conditions of service becomes available to customers when the CCA provides this information in compliance with the Section 366.2(c)(13)(A-C) notification requirement. Denies the petition in all other respects. ESTIMATED COST: None.

6 Regular Agenda - Energy Orders Item #43 [9465] Pacific Gas and Electric Company's Modification of Electric Rates A10-02-029 Application of Pacific Gas and Electric Company for Expedited Authorization to Change Residential Electric Rates Effective June 1, 2010, To Provide Summer 2010 Rate Relief for Households With Upper Tier Consumption. Ratesetting Comr Peevey/ALJ Barnett --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROPOSED OUTCOME: Approves a settlement which reduces Tier 4 rates by approximately 2.5 cents/kWh; reduces Tier 5 rates by approximately 10 cents/kWh; and increases Tier 3 rates by approximately one-half cent/kWh. Tier 1 and 2 rates are unchanged. Closes the proceeding. ESTIMATED COST: The decision is revenue neutral.

7 Regular Agenda – Legislative and Other Matters Item #47 [9441] Energy: Solar Energy Systems: Theft Prevention AB 1923 (Evans) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This bill would authorize monies allocated by the California Public Utilities Commission for research, development, and demonstration pursuant to the California Solar Initiative, to be used for research, development, and demonstration for antitheft technology to protect investments in solar energy systems. (Legislative Subcommittee Recommendation: Oppose)

8 Regular Agenda – Legislative and Other Matters Item #49 [9442] Utilities: Termination of Service AB 2207 (Fong) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Requires gas and electrical corporations to allow a customer who is subject to termination of service for nonpayment of a delinquent bill to enter into a bill payment plan of 3 months, or more than 12 months depending on the customer's situation and ability to pay. (Legislative Subcommittee Recommendation: Oppose Unless Amended)

9 Regular Agenda – Legislative and Other Matters Item #50 [9443] Emergency Telephone Users Surcharge Act AB 2545 (De La Torre) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prepaid communications service: Requires the California Public Utilities Commission to open or expand the scope of a proceeding to determine an equitable manner for mobile phone service providers to collect a 911 surcharge from users of prepaid communications services. (Legislative Subcommittee Recommendation: Oppose Unless Amended)

10 Regular Agenda – Legislative and Other Matters Item #52 [9446] Governmental Renewable Energy–Self Generation Program AB 2724 (Blumenfield) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This bill would rename the program the Governmental Renewable Energy Self- Generation Program. The bill would authorize a state agency to receive a bill credit to be applied to a designated benefiting account for electricity exported to the electrical grid by an eligible state renewable generating facility. The bill, in the case of an eligible state renewable generating facility interconnected with the facilities of an electrical corporation, would require the California Public Utilities Commission to adopt a rate tariff for the benefiting account. (Legislative Subcommittee Recommendation: Oppose Unless Amended)

11 Regular Agenda – Legislative and Other Matters Item #53 [9447] Public Utilities and Cable Television Corporations: Procurement AB 2758 (Bradford) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This bill requires each cable television corporation with gross annual revenues exceeding $25 million, and their commission-regulated subsidiaries and affiliates, to submit annual plans for increasing procurement from women, minority, veteran and disabled veteran business enterprises. (Legislative Subcommittee Recommendation: Support)

12 Regular Agenda – Legislative and Other Matters Item #54 [9448] Utility Service: Disconnection: Smart Meters: Privacy SB 837 (Florez) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This bill would require the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) to ensure that each smart grid deployment plan authorized by the CPUC after January 1, 2012, include testing and technology standards, as specified, and ensure that each metering technology works properly in a field test in a real home setting. This bill would prohibit an electrical corporation or gas corporation from sharing, selling, disclosing, or otherwise making accessible to any third party, without first obtaining the customer's express written consent, any personally identifiable information concerning a customer and, upon written request, to inform the customer of the identity of each person or corporation to whom the information has been released. (Legislative Subcommittee Recommendation: Oppose Unless Amended)

13 Commissioners’ Reports

14 Management Reports

15 The CPUC Thanks You For Attending Today’s Meeting The Public Meeting is adjourned. The next Public Meeting will be: June 3, 2010, at 10:00 a.m.

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