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Writing (Taking Notes) Writing (Taking Notes) Page 10.

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1 Writing (Taking Notes) Writing (Taking Notes) Page 10

2 A. Read the stories on (page 8) again and find similarities and differences. Make notes in the chart below. Compare in pairs. Then use your notes to report in class. Remember to write key words only when you make notes. Scan the whole stories to find the answers To scan means to read quickly to find specific information.

3 Facts that are differentFacts that are the same Story Rip Van Winkle Eid Al-Blewi Jan Grzebski Egyptian man Slept 20 years/many years. woke up in brand-new Country ( USA). woke up in brand-new Country ( USA). Slept 5 years / a long time. woke up in Tabuk Armed forces Hospital. Slept 19 years/ a long time. Slept 19 years/ a long time. woke up in a changed country/Poland woke up in a changed country/Poland Slept 7 months/ little time. woke up and told the police who had shot him.

4 Writing Corner Use capital letters: 1. when you begin a sentence: Example: Many people were shopping at the mall. 2. for the names of people and places, e.g. cities, countries, rivers, lakes, universities, etc. Jeddah, Oman, the Nile, Como, London University Example: I go to Abha every year. 3. for the days of the week and months of the year Tuesday, January Example: I go to gym Every Thursday.

5 1. jack decided to fl y to new york next monday. B. Rewrite using capitals Jack decided to fly to New York next Monday. 2. my brother has never been to dubai. My brother has never been to Dubai.

6 3. riyadh is the capital of saudi arabia. B. Rewrite using capitals Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia. 4. the telephone was invented by graham bell. The telephone was invented by Graham Bell.

7 5. africa is an amazing continent. B. Rewrite using capitals Africa is an amazing continent. 6. we usually go shopping on thursday evening. We usually go shopping on Thursday evening.

8 7. a lot of people go away in august. B. Rewrite using capitals A lot of people go away in August. 8. lake van, in central turkey, is one of the largest lakes I have ever seen. Lake Van, in central Turkey, is one of the largest lakes I have ever seen.

9 Page 11

10 1.How do most people communicate with nowadays? How do you communicate with your friends and relatives? Exercise: C 1 page 11

11 2. Read the text and make notes in the chart about important facts and changes that internet has brought on Exercise: C 2 page 11

12 It all started in 1969 when Kline, one of Professor Kleinrock’s students in LA, tried to log in remotely to a machine in Stanford. In 1990, Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Dailliau introduced the “Worldwide Web”. About 26 years later, 16 million people were online, and email was taking over. Today there are almost two billion users. E-mail, instant messaging, and video calls connect people across the globe. Social networks allow people to communicate with a large number of friends and information is accessible to everyone online. All you need to do is ‘Google’ a few key words and you get numerous sites and documents. E-learning has made it possible for people to attend courses online and obtain academic and professional qualifications. How the Internet has changed the world

13 Major change in information Major Change in Education Major Change in Communication Fact that caused or initiate change Advantages Disadvantage (your view) Situation in the past The way things were) 1969/Kline /log in remotely to machine/Stanford 1990 Worldwide Web 1969/Kline /log in remotely to machine/Stanford 1990 Worldwide Web E-learning accessible to all connect people/across globe communication with friends connect people/across globe communication with friends attend courses online ‘ google’ key words/ numerous sites and documents/ saves time (students’ own ideas) e.g. restricts face-to-face communication ( students’ own ideas) e.g. no chance to meet people face-to-face (students’ own ideas) e.g. quality of information/ uncertain (students’ own ideas) e.g. quality of information/ uncertain (students’ own ideas) e.g. too long to contact someone (students’ own ideas) e.g. too long to contact someone (students’ own ideas) e.g. physical presence was necessary (students’ own ideas) e.g. physical presence was necessary (students’ own ideas) e.g. obtaining information was time-consuming and costly (students’ own ideas) e.g. obtaining information was time-consuming and costly

14 Compare between Communication technology in Saudi Arabia in the past and now: Worksheet Communication in the presentCommunication in the past Your own idea People contact with each other by sending paper letters or to send someone. People contact with each other by using internet e.g cellphones, WhatsApp, on chat, skype

15 D. 1. Think about some major changes that happened in Saudi Arabia. Write what you know in the chart. Page 12

16 Major Change 3 Major Change 2 Major Change 1 Someone who made the major change Place where the major change happened Something important that changed King Abdul-Aziz Your idea The change had took place in The kingdom of Saudi Arabia Your idea Establishing a new modern country, The kingdom of Saudi Arabia Your idea

17 2. Use the information you put in the chart to write about some major changes in Saudi Arabia. 3. Exchange papers and compare. Work in groups and combine all the information. Prepare a poster with your information and pictures or photos.

18 Prepared by Khalid Saeed Al shahrani خالد سعيد الشهراني Khalid Saeed Al shahrani خالد سعيد الشهراني اعداد المعلم All Copy Rights © Reserved 2015

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