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Project Cost Estimate Form PLAN IT! Todd Crosby. The Project Cost Estimate Form These are your best “educated guesses” – it is expected that data will.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Cost Estimate Form PLAN IT! Todd Crosby. The Project Cost Estimate Form These are your best “educated guesses” – it is expected that data will."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Cost Estimate Form PLAN IT! Todd Crosby

2 The Project Cost Estimate Form These are your best “educated guesses” – it is expected that data will change as an effort of the Tune It! phase of your project. The cost Estimate form is broken up into three tabs: – Main Tab – Hours & Storage – Assumptions You will enter your data in the light purple areas only.

3 Project Cost Estimate Form Main Tab

4 Main Tab – General Information The first section in this tab is your general project information: Project NameProject IDProject Manager Business Process OwnerProject SponsorProject Executive Sponsor

5 Main tab – Hardware In this area, you will enter estimates of the hardware required, quantities, and costs. HARDWARE (PCs, Servers, Network Equipment, Etc.) DescriptionProd DR TestQuantityPriceTotal - - - - - - - - - - - -

6 Main Tab – Software In this table you will enter estimates of software that will be required: SOFTWARE (O/S, Application, DB, Net Backup, Etc.) DescriptionProd DR Test Quantity Price Total - - - - - - - - - - - -

7 Main Tab — Professional Services In this table, you will enter costs of any professional services you think your project will require: PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Description Amount - - -

8 Main Tab – Calculated Totals The next two sections are calculated totals based on data you enter in the worksheet: TOTALS Total Hardware - Total Software - Total Professional Services - Total Hours (enter in standard hourly rate, example: 30 hours *$60/hr) - Total Implementation - ESTIMATED RECURRING COSTS - ANNUAL Annual Amount Software Maintenance - Hardware Maintenance - Other Maintenance - Professional Services - Additional Storage - Total Recurring -

9 Project Cost Estimate Form Hours and Storage (H&S) Tab

10 H&S – Hours Section In the Hours section you will estimate the total number of hours for efforts in delivering your entire project. HOURS I.e., OIMT I.e., Vendor1 Project Implementation (non- recurring) Description Total Project Management & Meetings - Requirements Definition & Documentation - Functional Specifications - Technical Specifications - Installation (server, workstation, network) - Technical Training - Development (coding, reports, interfaces) - Testing (planning, unit, system, stress) - Testing (Client Acceptance) - Technical Documentation - Disaster Recovery Planning, Setup, Testing - End User Documentation and Training - Implementation & Post- implementation Support - Total Implementation - - - - - - - - -

11 H&S – Hours Section Enter who will be providing them across the columns at the top HOURS I.e., OIMT I.e., Vendor1 Project Implementation (non- recurring) Description Total Project Management & Meetings - Requirements Definition & Documentation - Functional Specifications - Technical Specifications - Installation (server, workstation, network) - Technical Training - Development (coding, reports, interfaces) - Testing (planning, unit, system, stress) - Testing (Client Acceptance) - Technical Documentation - Disaster Recovery Planning, Setup, Testing - End User Documentation and Training - Implementation & Post- implementation Support - Total Implementation - - - - - - - - -

12 H&S – Hours Section Effort categories are listed in the left most column HOURS I.e., OIMT I.e., Vendor1 Project Implementation (non- recurring) Description Total Project Management & Meetings - Requirements Definition & Documentation - Functional Specifications - Technical Specifications - Installation (server, workstation, network) - Technical Training - Development (coding, reports, interfaces) - Testing (planning, unit, system, stress) - Testing (Client Acceptance) - Technical Documentation - Disaster Recovery Planning, Setup, Testing - End User Documentation and Training - Implementation & Post- implementation Support - Total Implementation - - - - - - - - -

13 H&S — Ongoing Support Once your project closes, the deliverable will require some level of ongoing support. Note the yearly costs in the main section of the table for each type Ongoing Support (recurring) Frequency : Monthly/Quarterly/Semi-Annual Description Total Software Maintenance i.e., patches, updates, upgrades - Hardware Maintenance i.e., preventative maintenance - Other Maintenance i.e., system monitoring, disaster recovery, problem resolution - Professional Services - Total Recurring - - - - - - - - -

14 H&S — Additional Storage This section of the sheet lets you estimate any additional storage needs ADDITIONAL STORAGE Storage (Production, DR, Test Servers) Frequency : Monthly/Quarterly/Semi-Annual Description Total - - - - - - - - Total Storage - - - - - - - - -

15 H&S — Additional Storage Place the provider(s) across the top Place the Description(s) of the systems requiring the storage in the left column Enter cost amounts in the main part of the table ADDITIONAL STORAGE Storage (Production, DR, Test Servers) Frequency : Monthly/Quarterly/Semi-Annual Description Total - - - - - - - - Total Storage - - - - - - - - -

16 H&S — Additional Storage Place the Description(s) of the systems requiring the storage in the left column ADDITIONAL STORAGE Storage (Production, DR, Test Servers) Frequency : Monthly/Quarterly/Semi-Annual Description Total - - - - - - - - Total Storage - - - - - - - - -

17 H&S — Additional Storage Enter cost amounts in the main part of the table ADDITIONAL STORAGE Storage (Production, DR, Test Servers) Frequency : Monthly/Quarterly/Semi-Annual Description Total - - - - - - - - Total Storage - - - - - - - - -

18 Project Cost Estimate Form Assumptions Tab

19 Assumptions — Solution & Priority If your project has more than one solution, you will need to duplicate this tab for each one. In the first area you: Describe your solution Score your priorities based on the table at the bottom of the page Solution Description: Bus. Funct. Priority: LOB Owner Priority: Priority:

20 Assumptions — The List In the next section list all of your assumptions that will be in place ItemAssumption: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

21 Summary Your total cost estimates are now documented and will display on the first tab. This process supports only a single solution decision. You may need to prepare alternate versions.

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