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Slovak writer, journalist and presenter.  LIFE  WORK  TV CAREER  BOOKS  OUR MEETING.

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Presentation on theme: "Slovak writer, journalist and presenter.  LIFE  WORK  TV CAREER  BOOKS  OUR MEETING."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slovak writer, journalist and presenter


3  born May 6, 1985, Bratislava  her mother Alena is a presenter and her dad Jozef is a writer  she has a five years old younger sister

4  she spent her student years in Austria  as a teenager she was already combining photographs and paintings with texts and written appeals, followed by columns, reviews and short stories  at the age of seventeen her short story concerning World War Two was published in the book Jugendliche schreiben gegen das Vergessen (2003)  she studied Journalism and Communication Sciences at the University of Vienna and graduated from Literature and German studies in Utrecht in the Netherlands

5  three years later she graduated at the University in Bratislava, holding a diploma in Marketing Communications  her final thesis called Testimonial Marketing was innovative and rare, the first of its kind in Slovakia  it was published in the collection Reklama 10 in 2010 at Comenius University in Bratislava  Tamara is a postgraduate at the Institute of World Literature of the Slovak Academy of Sciences

6  during her studies she was contributing to numerous Slovak magazines  she is working as an editor for a monthly magazine EMMA, while publishing interviews and articles in the Czech version of the magazine ELLE and in a bimonthly magazine concerning young literature and art called Dotyky ( Touches ), where she also holds the position of a member of an editorial board since 2013

7  she presented the television programmeTRIDENTITY, a live broadcasting on ORF in May 2004 when Slovakia and the Czech Republic joined the European Union  than she worked on the Regional television TV BA ( Bratislava ), where she presented Metropolitný magazín ( Metropolitan magazine )  on TV Markiza she presented a programme called Tele - r á no ( Tele - morning ), where she talked news about books, talked about reviews and interesting facts about writers  on STV ( Slovak Television ) Tamara presented TV series Ranný magazín ( Morning magazine ), and a life style programme Zmen á reň ( Exchange office )


9  Tamara is one of the most talented young Slovak novelists  her short stories were translated and published in anthologies and magazines in Austria, the Netherlands, Serbia, the Czech Republic and Taiwan

10  her debut novel  she introduced the world of media, false corrupted people in the show business and today ’ s generation

11  describes fear from intensive feelings and analyses the question of inner freedom

12  is full of love, fragile children ’ s world where the strength is based on true values and good - heartedness  apart from the hard copy there is an electronic interactive application of games, designed for tablets

13  in 2012 book was awarded with The most beautiful Slovak book in the category of literature for children and teenagers  in 2013 the book won the third place in a readers ’ poll Knižn á revue  the book became the topic of dozens of talks, reading sessions and workshops at schools and libraries in Slovakia

14  this book is the sequel to Misia Eva, prísne tajn á  the main character Eva has fulfilled the mission, but she has another one big dream  this mission is full of adventure and love

15  Little ice age is about unrequited love and four women - mother and three daughters, who during their childhood hadn ' t a lot of tenderness, love and appreciation, which affect them in adulthood

16  Tamara cooperated on the books Príbehy v znamení túžby ( Tales in the Name of Passion ) and V dobrom aj v zlom an ešte v horšom ( In good and bad times and even worse times ) - for the project AVON against the domestic violence  Tamara is a member of the Slovak PEN Centre and stands behind the project Knihobežník ( A Book Runner ), which is based on the idea of reading a book and giving it to somebody else  Being the first, Tamara donated her book Predavačky bublín ( Bubble Sellers ) to the project




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