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We will review key concepts of nutrition and weight management.

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2 We will review key concepts of nutrition and weight management

3  Get into teams of 3 or 4  Come up with a team name  I will keep score on the board  The team with the most points at the end of the game will get 5 extra points on their test

4  You can use your guided notes  Write your answers on the white board  Hide them until I say “show your boards”  Then I will tally the points  DO NOT SHOUT OUT ANSWERS!

5  A ______________ is a way to measure how much energy a food provides to your body

6  Calorie

7  Draw a picture of MyPlate  Label each section


9  What are the 6 essential nutrients?

10  Water  Carbohydrates  Proteins  Fats  Minerals  Vitamins

11  Peanuts are an example of which food group?

12  Protein

13  Bananas are an example of which food group?

14  Fruit

15  Give one benefit to eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables?

16  High in vitamins and minerals  LOW in calories  Contains fiber which makes people feel full  Decrease risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other life- threatening diseases

17  Broccoli is an example of which food group?

18  Vegetables

19  Chicken is an example of which food group?

20  Protein

21  Yogurt is an example of which food group?

22  Dairy

23  Whole wheat toast is an example of which food group?

24  Grains

25  Eggs are an example of which food group?

26  Protein

27  Cheese is an example of which food group?

28  Dairy

29  Pasta is an example of which food group?

30  Grains

31  Why is it important to make low-fat and fat-free choices in the dairy group?

32  Lower in saturated fat, which helps keep blood cholesterol at a healthy level

33  Which type of grains are healthier?

34  Whole grains

35  John eats a diet high in salt. What condition is he at risk for?

36  high blood pressure

37  What is the benefit to eating unsaturated fat rather than saturated fat? vs.

38  Lowers total cholesterol  Decreases risk of heart attack and stroke

39  Juan has high cholesterol and clogged arteries. What disease/condition is he at risk for?

40  Heart attack (heart disease)  Stroke

41 What is the leading cause of death in the United States?

42  Heart disease

43  Mary has gained a lot of weight in her abdominal area. She eats a diet high in sugar and refined grains (white bread).  As a result, her body can not control her blood glucose (sugar) levels.  What is the name of this condition?

44  Type II Diabetes

45  List 3 ways to reduce you risk of diabetes.

46  Lose weight  Eat overall healthy diet  Exercise and lift weights

47  Sarah has high blood pressure. List two ways to lower her blood pressure.

48  Eat foods low in salt  Lose weight (if overweight)  Regular exercise  Reduce stress

49  Christie was just diagnosed with anemia. Her doctor suggested that she eat foods high in what mineral?

50  Iron

51  Why is it so important for pregnant women to take a prenatal vitamin with folic acid in it?

52  It helps to prevent birth defects of the spine such as spina bifida

53  Shari is a vegetarian. List three foods that she would not eat.

54  Red meat  Chicken  Fish  Seafood  Pork

55  Bob has gained 10 pounds in three months and is now overweight. Should he decrease or increase the amount of calories he eats per day?

56  Decrease

57  Why is it important to eat 5 small meals a day (every 3 hours) rather than 3 large meals?  vs.

58  Increases metabolism  Prevents stretching of stomach size  Balances blood sugar levels

59  Examine the following food label.  List 3 concerning facts  Taco Bell: Nachos Bell Grande

60  Calories: 760  Saturated Fat: 11grams  Sodium: 1,300 mg  Carbs: 83 grams (white chips)

61 List ways to lose weight the healthy way.

62  Choose foods low in calories  Eat breakfast everyday  Eat lots of fruits and Vegetables  Grill and Bake Meats. Don’t fry!  Limit the amount of sugar in your diet  Don’t drink your calories  Eat whole grains instead of refined grains  Plan ahead and prepare meals/snacks in advance  Exercise daily

63  In the ingredient list on the food label, where is the ingredient in the largest quantity listed?

64  First

65 In order from MOST to LEAST Who needs the most calories in one day? 15 year old boy 18 year old girl 24 year old professional football player

66 15 year old boy 18 year old girl

67  How many more calories should a pregnant woman consume each day for healthy weight gain?

68  300 calories

69  How many cups of water should teen girls drink a day?  Teen boys?

70  Girls: 9 cups  Boys: 13 cups

71  What is celiac disease?

72  Gluten intolerance

73  What disease/condition is known as the “Silent Killer?”

74  High Blood Pressure

75  True or False  Lacto-Vegetarians eat eggs

76  False

77  These are weight loss plans that tend to be popular for only a short time. Weight is usually regained.

78  Fad Diets

79  Name the 2 common eating disorders

80  Anorexia Nervosa  Bulimia Nervosa

81  Name one short term effect of Bulimia

82  Tooth Decay

83  What is Amenorrhea?

84  Loss of menstrual period in girls

85 Game Over!!

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