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Telescopes 1. Collect light. 2. Bring that light to a single focus.

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3 Telescopes

4 1. Collect light.

5 2. Bring that light to a single focus.

6 3. Make far away things look closer (MAGNIFY).

7 4. A scale to represent the brightness of stars, planets, etc.

8 5. The brightness of the dimmest object your telescope allows you to see.

9 FYI: Actress Debra Winger was the voice of E.T.

10 6. +6

11 7. Hale telescope

12 8. 5 meters

13 9.8.3 meters Hawaii (Japan)


15 10. -26.5, -4, -1.5

16 FYI: Pearls melt in vinegar.

17 11. The ability of a telescope to show 2 close stars as distinct points.

18 12. Refracting telescopes (refractors)

19 13.

20 14. The point where all the light collected by a telescope is brought.

21 15. The distance between the lens and the focal point.

22 FYI: The average use of a major league baseball = 7 pitches.

23 16. Chromatic aberration

24 17. A 2nd lens is mated to the objective lens.

25 18. The size of the portion of the sky your telescope allows you to see.

26 19. The longer the focal length, the lower the magnification.

27 20. The longer the focal length, the greater the field of view.

28 FYI: A duck’s quack DOES echo.

29 21. Reflecting telescopes (reflectors)

30 22. Spherical, parabolic

31 23. Spherical aberration

32 24. coma

33 25. “V”

34 FYI: Snails can go 3 years without eating.

35 26. Add a correcting lens to the “open” end of the tube.

36 27.

37 28.

38 FYI: There are 293 ways to make change for a dollar.

39 29. Alt-azimuth

40 30. The number of degrees to the east of due north.

41 31. The number of degrees above the horizon.

42 32. equatorial

43 33. The east/west hour position.

44 FYI: All of the pawn shop clocks in the movie “Pulp Fiction” are stuck on 4:20.

45 34. The number of degrees north or south of the celestial equator.

46 35. Gran Telescopio Canarias, Spain

47 36. 10.4 meters

48 37. 1 A.U. or 93 million miles

49 38.A light-year or 5.9 trillion miles

50 39.A parsec or 3.26 light- years


52 40.Proxima Centauri, 1.295 parsec

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