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Atsuto Suzuki. 1953 1956 年 1953 年 a F. Reines G. Gamow.

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Presentation on theme: "Atsuto Suzuki. 1953 1956 年 1953 年 a F. Reines G. Gamow."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atsuto Suzuki


3 1953 1956 年

4 1953 年 a F. Reines G. Gamow

5 1966 1969 Geophysics by neutrinos, G. Marx Czech J. Phys. B19 (1969) 1471-1479

6 1981 1984 Nature 310 (1984) 191 - 198

7 1998 Kobayashi and Fukao, Earth as an antineutrino star, Geophys. Res. Lett. 18 (1991) 633-636.

8 1998



11 2005 Nature 310 (1984) 191 - 198

12 ~ 50 years after G. Gamow’s suggestion from Eligio Lisi

13 S. Dye, Neutrino 2012



16 Geo-neutrinos after KamLAND : 2  K : 40 K Detection Geo-neutrinos after KamLAND : 2  K : 40 K Detection 8B8B8B8B pp pep hep 7 Be N O F reactor at Kamioka reactor at Kamioka U U Th K K neutrino-electron elastic scattering e + p  e + + n


18 Geoneutrinos after KamLAND : 3 : Directionality Measurement Geoneutrinos after KamLAND : 3 : Directionality Measurement  Crust  Mantle,  Core

19 inverse  – decay reaction : 1 st step How to Measure Direction e p e+e+    r reconstruct  r reconstruct (cm) E = 2.5 MeV

20 inverse  – decay reaction : 2 nd step How to Measure Direction e p e+e+ n  E = 2.5 MeV cos 

21 inverse  – decay reaction : 3 rd step How to Measure Direction e p e+e+ n **  X cos  * E = 2.5 MeV

22 e + p  e + + n n + A  A* +  and/or  w/o  ’s +  and/or  w/o  ’s new liquid scintillator

23 e e ~ 1 km  13 measurement shallow detector Geo-neutrino measurement

24 Hawaii : Highway to the Heaven Hawaii : Highway to the Mantle

25 KEK Penguin Diagram dream !

26 E. Ohtani (Tohoku U.) Moon


28 Great Particle Microscopes and Neutrino Telescopes

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