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DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011 – Enchede, The Netherlands Eco-climatic Condition & Trends on Protected Areas of the IGAD Region African Monitoring.

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Presentation on theme: "DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011 – Enchede, The Netherlands Eco-climatic Condition & Trends on Protected Areas of the IGAD Region African Monitoring."— Presentation transcript:

1 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011 – Enchede, The Netherlands Eco-climatic Condition & Trends on Protected Areas of the IGAD Region African Monitoring of the Environment for Sustainable Development Eugene Kayijamahe M. Njoki Kahiu

2 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Outline  Objectives & Expected results  Methods Study area Input data Processing  Overall  Exercises

3 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Objectives  To determine whether there has been changes in vegetation growth in IGAD states using rainfall pattern and vegetation indices Expected output  Defined seasons  NDVI averages (decadal, seasonal, annual)  Rainfall averages (decadal, seasonal, annual)  Seasonal cumulative rainfall estimates  To assess the intra/inter annual trends for vegetation conditions in IGAD region using low resolution vegetation indices Expected output  Vegetation growth conditions  Seasonal deviations of NDVI from its average  Biomass productivity  Climate change hotspots in PAs (major reduction in vegetation intensity)

4 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Methods – Study Area  Monitoring the whole of IGAD region.  More emphasis on protected areas >>>>  Buffer of 25km will be created for the final analysis.

5 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Methods – Study Area back

6 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Input data DATAPURPOSESOURCE NDVI Indicator for vegetation growth/cover, and biomass production. Fewsnet, Vgt4Africa NGI Actual vegetation conditions with respect to the expected growth NDVI derivative sNDVI Current standardized gain or loss of vegetation with respect to the average. NDVI derivative NDWI to assess and monitor water content and to detect drought stress Vgt4Africa Pcum_RFE Progressive sum of decadal rainfall estimates since rthe start of season and updated every 10days FEWSNET_RF E Google Earth Very High resolution imagery for validation of some of the findings Google Earth CountryIGA D states boundaryLocal PAsProtected area boundaryLocal

7 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Methods – Overall Processing NDVI NDVI stats (avg, max, std) NDVI trends and derivates Calculate RFE, DMP, NDWI Cumulate, calculate RFE_cumm, NDWI, DMP trends Overlay with PA, derive statistics Eco-climatic for IGAD and all PAs

8 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Processing: Exercises  The manual contains exercises on: EXER 1: Pre-Processing  EXER 1.1: Sub-setting NDVI images of Africa to IGAD region extent using administration boundaries of IGAD countries  EXER 1.2: Conversion of byte data to real NDVI values using the formula supplied in the product’s documentation: Real NDVI= raw/250.

9 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Processing: Exercises ctd… EXER2: Calculating the Annual NDVI Averages from 1996 to 2005 as a Determinant of Forage Trends in IGAD PAs  EXER 2.1: Calculate Average NDVI for Group 1 Countries, Season 1 in 1996-2005.  Exer 2.2 Calculate Average NDVI for All PAs, Season 1 of 1996-2005.

10 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Processing: Exercises ctd… EXER 3: Calculating Average Rainfall for Season 1 and Aggregating the Values for IGAD PAs as One Explaining Factor for NDVI Trend (2000-2010) Comparisons with other vegetation products

11 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Processing: Exercises ctd… EXER 4: Computing NGI for IGAD region

12 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Processing: Exercises ctd… EXER 5: Computing sNDVI for IGAD region

13 DevCoCast Training 7 February 2011, Enchede, The Netherlands Conclusion  Further analysis and interpretation are needed for conclusive results  Process automation


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