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1)Meaning of global warming 2)Causes of global warming 3)Harmful effect of global warming 4)Suggetion for decrease global warming.

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5 1)Meaning of global warming 2)Causes of global warming 3)Harmful effect of global warming 4)Suggetion for decrease global warming

6 Situation of earth Now a days temperature is increase because of Human being(artificial). If there is any odd changes to the earth due to the only humanbeing.greenhouses Are responsible to increase the temperature of earth.

7 Meanig of globalwarming  Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and its projected continuation.average temperatureEarth

8 Causes of global warming 1)Effect of greenhouse gases- 2)Riseing Industrialization 3)Household apparatus 4)Larg uses of cars & twowheelers

9 Causes of global warming 1)Green house gases Earth is surrounded by a mixture of gases Called atmosphere.A few of these called green -house gases(water car dioxide,methane and a. Nitrous oxide)have ability to trap heat. Green house is a special type of house made up by glass and protected by external environment specially constructed for growing plants.sun rays can enter in to the green house but the heat inside the house can not go out side.

10 There fore the temperature in the green house remain warm. So this concept is popularly known as global warming. The molecule of some gases are importance for renditions of sun light. For example carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor nitrous oxide these waves which can reflect back are known as infrared for example earth also gets infrared for sums. The infrared can other rays coming on earth absorb at day the temperature on the earth increase but as soon as night start the absorption process stop and realize of absorb rays start.

11 2)Large uses of cars & two wheelers- Now a days more of people use the vehicles'. (bikes cars,buses,airoplane) Because of smoke of vehicles, toxic gases Like carbon dioxide are spread in air. Due to the ignition of coal,petrol,fossil fuel and wood. There is a large realizes of carbon dioxide and methane. Methane is 21% harmful combustible and due to daily increase in such gases the temperature.

12 3) Methane & carbon dioxide- Due to the ignition of coal,petrol,Fossil fuel & wood There is a large realizes of CO2 & methane.methane is 21%more Harmful combustible &due to daily increase in search gases the Temperature.

13 Effects of global warming

14 1)Melting of ice on polar region – Due to the increase in temperature the ice polar region Like Antarctica,Himalaya is start so the water level in the sea is Also increase &became a serious problem of flood.

15 2) Effect on environment- Due to the global warming the environment is Changed day by day for example uncertainty in Larged summer & short winter depletion in ozon then Cyclones tsunami.

16 Suggestion for decrease global warming/ Preventive Majors

17 1)Control on carbon dioxide realize

18 2) Plant trees& save trees

19 3) Use the light as our need- Small individual action such as switching off the light When not required,or using compact fluorescent lamps (CFL),instead of bulbs can slow down global warming.

20 4) Penalties of industries on large quantity-

21 5) Use of renewable energy source – Like solar power, wind,tides, geothermal heat,hydel, Biomass,fuel cells.


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