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First Year Seminar in Political Science FYSM 1100.08.

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1 First Year Seminar in Political Science FYSM 1100.08

2 Learning Objectives To introduce you to the political science major ◦ students should have a better of understanding of the degree requirements of the political science major ◦ students will have interactions with political science faculty and students To help answer the question “what can I do with a political science degree” ◦ students will be introduced to members of the community who used their political science backgrounds to achieve success in the professional world To Help you stay in college ◦ students will become familiar with educational opportunities available at St. Edward's University.

3 People and Office Hours Brian William Smith ◦ Associate Professor and Chair of Political Science ◦ Arrived at SEU in 2003 ◦ Office is in Doyle 226 Maribel Tostado, MLA ◦ Advisor for APSS (the best one) ◦ Instructor in Cultural Foundations ◦ Arrived at SEU in 2004

4 Peer Mentors ◦ Corey Collins (FYSM ‘10)  ◦ Dellea Copeland (FYSM ‘10)  Ask them for help, but… Don’t ask them to do evil for you!

5 Grading Attendance and participation ◦ The Big one (50%) of your grade. ◦ You will lose 1 letter grade beyond the first 3 absences. ◦ Most of what we do, happens in class

6 Gradings Meetings ◦ One meeting with Dr. Smith (15%) ◦ One meeting with the Peer Mentors (5%) ◦ Two meetings with Maribel Tostado (30%)

7 About the class This class is designed to be low stress and for you to do well This class can be the difference between making the Dean’s list or not ◦ (6.25% of your fall gpa) This class will enable you to schedule earlier than some of your peers ◦ E.g. 16 vs 15 credits

8 Dr. Chad Long

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