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Adjectives EG: Unit 4, Lesson 16. SSWBAT: 1.Provide a meaning-based definition of an adjective. A word that describes what a noun names Answers: Which.

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Presentation on theme: "Adjectives EG: Unit 4, Lesson 16. SSWBAT: 1.Provide a meaning-based definition of an adjective. A word that describes what a noun names Answers: Which."— Presentation transcript:

1 Adjectives EG: Unit 4, Lesson 16

2 SSWBAT: 1.Provide a meaning-based definition of an adjective. A word that describes what a noun names Answers: Which one? What kind?

3 Examples of adjectives Tall, short, intelligent, dull, sweet, mean, satisfied, hungry, happy, sad, quiet, loud, beautiful, ugly, young, old, generous, stingy, proud, embarrassed, blue, yellow, green, red, accurate, inaccurate, pleasing, strident, hot, cold

4 SSWBAT: 2.Provide a phrase frame for indicating if a word could be an adjective. The very ______ child –Note: Using very & a singular noun excludes quantifiers & possessive determiners, e.g., one, only, or their

5 SSWBAT: 3.State a behavior of adjectives that separates them from almost all of the determiners (and most of the other parts of speech). They take the comparative & the superlative.

6 Comparative & superlative Morphemes (suffixes): -er, -est –Happier child, happiest child; plainer décor, plainest décor; easier text, easiest text Or preceded by more or most –More enthusiastic candidate, most enthusiastic candidate

7 SSWBAT: 4.State the general guideline for whether adjectives take -er and -est endings or more and most to make the comparative and superlative.

8 -er/-est versus more/most General rule: –1 or 2 syllables, use -er, -est –3 or more syllables, use more/most –Cuter, prettier, more beautiful An exception: fun Words with irregular forms: good, bad

9 SSWBAT: 5.Separate determiners from adjectives by testing words to see if they have superlative or comparative forms. Try third, 26, three, many, several, these, that, my, their, Jake’s, Julie’s, the, a An exception: few (fewer people)

10 Review 1.Provide a meaning-based definition of an adjective. 2.Provide a phrase frame for testing is a word is an adjective.

11 Review 3.State a behavior of adjectives that separates them from almost all the determiners as well as other parts of speech. 4.State the guideline for using -er and - est versus more and most.

12 Review 5.Separate determiners from adjectives by using the comparative/superlative acceptance test. Try hot, anxious, several, those, pretty, twenty, intelligent, and fearful.

13 SSWBAT: 6.State when adjectives listed before a noun in a NP are separated by commas, and be able to use this rule accurately.

14 Commas & adjectives Generally, if the order of the adjectives can change without sounding odd or affecting meaning, use commas. –There’s a beautiful spotted pony. –We often watch scary, old, PG-rated movies. (A list of equally-weighted ADJs)

15 Commas & adjectives Another test--and insertion –Jake’s tattered ___ dog-eared notes fell off the desk. –Jake’s tattered and dog-eared notes –Jake’s dog-eared, tattered notes

16 Commas & adjectives –Julie is wearing a green cotton top. –*Julie is wearing a cotton green top. –*Julie is wearing a green and cotton top. –Conclusion: Don’t use a comma.

17 SSWBAT: 7.State two guidelines for determining if a 2-word phrase is functioning as a compound noun or an adjective plus a noun (ADJ + N).

18 Compound N or ADJ + N 1)Compound nouns get stress on the first element; ADJ + N on the second. –the WHITE House, a white HOUSE –a BLACK bear, a black BEAR –a CANdy bar, a candy BEAR

19 Compound N or ADJ + N –the YELlow Jacket, the yellow JACket –a GREENhouse, a green HOUSE –COLD medicine, cold MEDicine –HEAD doctor, head DOCtor

20 Compound N or ADJ + N 2)Some compound Ns are written as one word. cowboy, airplane, thumbtack, notebook, bookshelf, wastebasket, screwdriver, armchair, sunglasses, toothbrush

21 Compound N or ADJ + N 8.Identify two-word phrases as either a compound noun or an ADJ + N. RIVer bank, green LEAF (Textbook, items on page 61, some problems)

22 Compound N or ADJ + N VOICE box or voice BOX? ADdress book/adDRESS book or address BOOK? CIgarette smokers or cigarette SMOKers? FOReign travel or foreign TRAvel?

23 Review 6.State when a list of adjectives before a noun is separated by a comma. 7.State two guidelines for distinguishing an adjective plus a noun from a compound noun.

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