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Walk in Work: Please label your next A and B page in the Reading section – Tone vs. Mood Add the following word and definition to the B page: Tone-The.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk in Work: Please label your next A and B page in the Reading section – Tone vs. Mood Add the following word and definition to the B page: Tone-The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk in Work: Please label your next A and B page in the Reading section – Tone vs. Mood Add the following word and definition to the B page: Tone-The attitude with which the speaker or narrator treats his or her subject, characters or theme.

2 What is tone? The attitude with which the speaker or narrator treats his or her subject. You can't hear the narrator, so you have to infer the tone from his or her words. The overall feeling of the work. Mood refers to how the readers feels in response to the passage What is mood?

3 Tone is not Mood Tone: how the narrator or speaker feels about their subject. Mood: how the reader is supposed to feel when reading the work. Tone Narrator Mood Reader

4 Example Tone Words Some examples of words that describe tone. Pick 3 to write down as examples. Anxious Appreciative Concerned Cynical Depressed Foreboding Grateful Grave Hopeful Jealous Loving Melencholy Peaceful Pleasant Respectful Sensitive Timid Wise

5 Review Tone and mood are different but related. Tone describes the narrator's attitude or voice. Mood is how the reader is supposed to feel. Ex: A reader can feel scared for a character even if the narrator is confident.

6 Pay attention to author’s word choice! 1 Life's city ways are dark, Men mutter by, the wells Of the great waters moan. O death, O sea, O tide, The waters moan like bells. No light, no mark, The soul goes out alone On seas unknown. 2 The skies are sown with stars tonight, The sea is sown with light, The hollows of the heaving floor Gleam deep with light once more, The racing ebb-tide flashes past And seeks the vacant vast, A wind steals from a world asleep And walks the restless deep. These passages both talk abut the sea. The tone of passage 1 is very dark and dreary… –What specific words from the piece support this tone? The tone of passage 3 is very bright and happy… –What specific words from the piece support this tone?

7 Practice 1.Read the passage. 2.Identify the tone 1.List the specific word clues (choices) that helped you identify this tone 3.Identify the mood 1.List the specific word clues (choices) that helped you identify this mood

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